This might not be the best place for this post, but it's sorta relevant to the 990. Just thought I'd share a negative experience with Outlaw...
As a previous 1050 owner, was looking at upgrading to a 990/7075 combo, but will probably be a long time until I look at it again, barring any new specials.
Feel a little bit tricked since the combos website : would seem to imply that free shipping should be available on A-stock combos. See the * comment at the bottom of the page. However, this is not the case, as after talking to them the free shipping is only on the B-stock items. The explanation that I got, is that an item would need a "*" by it to qualify for the free shipping.
I'm going to assume that Outlaw is not trying to mislead people on purpose, but that whoever's writing their webpages could use a lesson in consistency for the following reasons:
1. If the "*" statement for free shipping is a general part of their webpage, it should be there for all pages, including the individual orders and B-stock, not just the combos.
2. If an item has to have a "*" next to it, at least have one item marked with "*", otherwise remove the comment altogether. By having no items with "*" next to it, it implies that all items should qualify. All other areas where there are "*" on the website (B-stock portion), or "**" on combo page, are not marked for individual items, but are instead applicable for all items on the page.
Anyways, my recommendation for the Outlaws is to fix their webpage and make things consistent so no one else gets mislead. At this point, it's more an issue with having a bad taste in my mouth, and it'll probably be a while 'til I consider buying again. The saleslady I talked to was pretty defensive about everything, telling me that I needed to refresh my browser and then felt like they were looking for excuses. :rolleyes: