Are you trying to deliver the exact same signal to both left and right channels?
no idea as to how to do the stereo to mono downmix.
i think the y splitter idea might work.
I was able to use the DTD video type download on the 990.
I did not use a SPL meter yet, but some sounds seemed much louder or softer than others. Is it supposed to be that way? Where should I look for test tones that should send out the same SPL for each frquency as measured on a Radio Shack analog SPL? How do you adjust your system to "even things out", beyond the SMS-1 that I ordered (which I think is only good for bass)?
990 Pre/pro, MC240 tune amp or OA 750 SS amp, Klipshorns, LaScalas, Academy center, and Heresy speakers.
And as always--thanx