The 990 caused me to do a complete re-wiring, also, but it was the first time in about 10 years, and was long overdue. Just unplugging and re-plugging interconnects helps keep them a bit cleaner, and it allowed me the opportunity to improve some wire choices, lengths, routing, etc. Plus lots of dusting and cleaning around the components.

I think my issue has to do with the Dolby Pro-Logic II. If I experience that problem it's only on stations w/ 2-channel audio and my 990 is set to use ProLogic II. So, then I manually switch to "Dolby Digital" (didn't know I could do that) and I get a stronger center channel and the problem I had been experiencing (e.g., dialog and laugh track and other sounds searching for a channel to be in) is eliminated. Unfortunately, if I then change to a true 5.1 audio station, and then switch back to a lower 2-channel station, the 990 defaults back to the ProLogic II w/ the problematic sound. What I don't know is what might be the underlying culprit. Either it's the 990's ProLogic II chip (so ultimately warranty can cover it if that is indeed the problem) or it is the source of the audio...the Motrola STB, which is my I will likely request a replacement soon. I'm guessing the rather low-fi STB may be doing something to the 2-channel FIOS audio. Unless Verizon is doing something to it. Wouldn't surprise me, maybe I'll ask them during my monthly call where I request them to stop billing me for something I did not request, to which they agree and apologize, but the next month, there it is again. Lame. But I digress.

Another thought - maybe I need to double check the polarity of my center, L and R speaker wires (wouldn't ProLogic II be rather sensitive to the incorrect polarity, given how the 2-channel signal gets manipulated via the signal polarity?) I better get the flashlight and sweatband back out...I"m going in!
Home Theater Side:
Outlaw 975
Outlaw 7075
Panasonic TC P50ST60 plasma TV
Oppo BD-103 blu ray
Channel Master CM-4221 HD UFH antenna
Monster HTS 2600 mk.II power management

Audio Only Side:
McCormack RLD-1 Preamp (has theater pass-thru)
Onkyo CD Player LX-7555
Thorens TD 320 MkII

Vandersteen 1C, VCC, 2Wq
Cambridge Soundworks surrounds