lol...see..I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that stuff. There are just so many cables and wires to hookup that it us just way too easy to get one wrong.
I did get smart enough to put a duct tape label on the ends of each cable that hooks up to the preamp though. That way I at least don't have to keep tracing the wires back to their source when I get them mixed up.
Main system:
Integra dhc 9.9
Threshold SA/4e pure class A
Emotiva XPA-1 (2), XPA-5
(2) Threshold S200's
Thiel 3.6 main speakers
(2)Velodyne F1500r subs
Polk RTI28 surrounds
B&W HTM center
OPPO BDP-83 universal player
Samsung HLT6187 led DLP