I have had the 990 for many years now and have been very pleased. Just recently I bought a set of Sennheiser RS 120 wireless headphones for simple TV watching while the baby sleeps in the nearby bassinet. Hooking up the headphones was easy and I had no problem getting into headphone mode by holding down the 'mute' button for ~5sec. Everything seemed to be working perfectly until I used the commercial skip button on my Comcast cable remote. When I did that I noticed that the 990 was making that familiar clicking noise as it cycles between different settings (eg: etween video 1 and DVD...). It happens too quickly for me to figure out what it is switching to before it switches back to what it should be.
Then I started to notice that it happens when I use the back-skip button and even with the FWD and REV buttons. To top it off I noticed that it did it when the show I was watching experiences a pause in transmission such as when the ad break is ending and the show is about to restart.
Because of this I figure that it has something to do with the 990 interpreting a break in the signal from the cable box (digital hookup) as if the cable box were turned off. I do not know why this never happens outside of headphone mode and I have yet to try other wiring set ups. I was hoping that it would be a simple setting that I had overlooked (I tend not to change settings much).
Has anybody else experienced this? It kind of defeats the purpose of having headphones if it is going to click so often. Plus I fear that I am wearing out whatever it is inside the 990 that makes that infernal click!
Any advice is appreciated.