I've been an outlaw fan since the beginning. My trusty (purchased in 2002) 1050 has moved from main to secondary, to garage duty over the past few years. It's always been a Paragon of good value/ surprising performance. I have a RR2150 that I got used, awesome piece! What I'm looking at now is whether I should buy the current 990, or a Sunfire TGP-5. I already own a Sunfire TGA-5400, which does a stellar job of starting and stopping and vibrating the various speakers in my system. My question revolves around sound quality only, as the video is fed straight into my new Sammy 50" plasma, so no video switching/transcoding needed! The 990 is $700.00 new at the Outlaws, and the TGP-5 can be found for $1300.00 with factory warranty on authorized closeout. Will the current 990 provide the same level of audio bliss(both 2-ch and Movies) as the much more expensive TGP-5? If not, should I wait for the new 990 and see what happens? I love both Sunfire and Outlaw, Having owned fine products from each. I simply worry about the overall sound quality performance difference. Any Ideas or Experiences? Direct Sound Quality Comparisons by some Lucky Outlaw???
Thanks, Jeff.
Jeff W Adams