Originally posted by dvenardos:
Does it have an analog bypass mode? This would eliminate any further analog processing. Most people would either be using the built in DACs for digital sources or an outboard DAC and analog bypass mode.However, if you can only run the analog inputs through an additional conversion process that would be a significant limitation. [/QB]
It has analog bypass, 2 modes in fact, which can be applied to most or all sources. To quote the manual:
"Direct - in this mode audio from the input source is output directly with minimal processing, providing high fidelity reproduction. All of the source's audio channels are output as they are."
My understanding from this is that speaker distance delay, and level settings are applied, and nothing else, no bass management, re-eq or anything else.
the other mode:
"Pure Audio - In this mode, the display and video circuitry are turned off, minimizing possible noise sources for the ultimate in high-fidelity audio reproduction. (As the video circuitry is turned off, only the HDMI outputs output video)."
This latter obviously disables the front display, which becomes active for about 2 seconds if you do a volume change.
As I said, I do not have any analog sources hooked up (besides a Dish SD DVR), but I can tell you my impressions with the digital sources. From eq'ed and BM'ed to direct, there is a definite and noticeable improvement in the quality, and I pretty much immediately notice when I have forgotten to put it in that mode, which is often as I am using the PS3 for so many different things. For pure mode, the difference is a little more subtle coming from plain direct. I can detect it pretty easily if I am playing back an SACD, but with CDs, it depends on the quality of the disc.
Note, I believe the Integra does NOT have the Pure audio mode as the Onkyo Pro does, it is one of the 3 differences between the units (rack ears, hinged front plate and pure mode all on the Onkyo Pro) that explain the $200 RP difference.
The manual states these modes can both be applied to the mch analog input, but is not clear if they are also applicable to the other 2 ch analog inputs. However, I am virtually certain they also work on those inputs, as the discussion at AVS indicates they do, and when I engage them for my Dish DVR, they do activate as opposed to giving a "not available" message.
Still, I would reiterate that at this point, I'd wait and see what the Outlaws have and give them a shot at your purchase. I have had mine for about 10 months now, as my system needed full HDMI capability to do what I wanted last year. If it had been a matter of two months, I would sure want to see how things compared.