Originally posted by NRBQLou:
Gotta say, it was never my impression that kids were on this forum (except for us grownup-type kids) and I didn't find Outlawnut's language especially offensive. If I had been "lectured" about my "tone" by a businessperson with whom I was in the middle of rectifying a botched, expensive purchase I might have been a bit, uh, peeved myself.
I find his Jesus comment offensive, but the rest I don't because they're acronyms.

Personally I refrain from blasting a company when receiving a defective product on a public forum until I have exhausted all avenues of service and support. As an example, I ordered a Black Mac Book as a secondary computer, it was A stock. The unit worked fine but had a loud fan. I asked on MacRumors forum if this was normal in a rather normal tone. The answer was a resounding no.

I didn't buy directly from Apple and therefore I had a bit tougher time getting it fixed. If I had bought if from Apple, I could have taken it in and they would have given me a brand new unit. Anyway, they had to take my unit and send it in to get fixed. It was a bit of hassle and I had a couple weeks without a laptop, but nothing to cause me to rant on the web. I have a perfectly working computer in the end and I'm happy without any ill will or words towards the company.

The point is, Apple is know for their quality and so is Outlaw, but defects happen. It could be a factory defect or it could be dropped by a carrier on the way to your house. You just don't know where the issues occurred, but what matters is that it gets resolved in a reasonable amount of time.

So my advice to anyone is to try to resolve your issues with the company first and if you don't get anywhere, then let you opinions be known to the public. No matter how stellar a companies record is, there's always going to be problems, some more severe than others. What matters in the end is wether they take care of the customer or not.