Originally posted by Otto:
So what's the offending language or attitude? I read the post that gonk linked above. I see frustration and some comments like "...jesus H christ..." and "...This is BS..." and "... I am just SOL this blows..."

Is that *IT*?!?!?! So, some rather tame acronyms and some frustration with failiing products is what's got everyone so upset? I think Outlawnut was rightfully frustrated, and I think he's correct to question "Do these guys really test this stuff before it leaves the door?!"

Or am I missing something that was actually offensive or inappropriate?

I, too, have dealt with irate customers when we owned a restuarant. Even if we consider Outlawnut to be the "irate customer", it seems like the problem will be easy to fix with customer service. In the forum, it seemed like it was going that way, but it sounds like the phone call went differently.

I'm just trying to understand what Outlawnut is dealing with here, and see his side of it. My dealings with Outlaw have been very positive (although when I have had issues, they have made me prove it over and over again before handling the issue).

Outlawnut -- I, too, had the flickering OSD problem. It would sometimes flicker, sometimes work and somtimes display nothing. It got progressively worse, to the point where it would never display anything at all. I eventually got a replacement, and had no further problems with the OSD.
Yea thats about all I said, everything that went on in the phone call is here on the forum in the exact order it happened. You know if Scott had just called me back said hey were sorry etc etc here's a new unit and just never mentioned anything about my post I would probably be on here right now giving Outlaw nothing but praise. I am still lost as to what is so bad about my post? confused I am just a bit annoyed people other then yourself can't see this from my point of view thats all. Oh well, whatever ..

As for the OSD problem I have my fingers crossed it won't get any worse. That would chalk up 3 bad units in a row if so! mad I'll do some further testing with the other video outputs