Originally posted by PeterT:

I have to respond here. If you check our forum, we allow all kinds of comments and of course criticisms of our company and products. That has always been our policy.

However, when someone gets close to crossing the line on expressions or language that we find inappropriate, we step in. It's not what you said, but the way you communicated it, that Scott was referring to.

Actually you said it yourself: "Its just that I run two businesses myself and would never talk to a customer that way." Well we expect the same from you. When you employ the language in your earlier post, you on the edge of being pulled down from this forum.

No matter how you feel about Outlaw we expect you to treat this forum with respect. We will NOT censor opinions, but on inappropriate language we will draw the line.

Peter Tribeman
I'm sorry I dont feel I said anything that was out of line. If everyone here is that sensitive then I appologize. Again, if you went through what I just did with Outlaw I think you may think differently.