My line of work doesn't compare well to Outlaw's, so the way that we interact with clients doesn't directly compare. My wife used to work in customer service at a bank, though, and there were some customers whose accounts were closed or were warned that their accounts could be closed specifically because of the way they spoke to company employees (including my wife, who was called some very unpleasant things by people - often because the people on the other end of the phone had made a mistake and didn't like having to face the repercussions). There was even one customer up in Washington state that dad and I considered taking a road trip to visit to discuss - possibly with baseball bats - the things he called me wife (on a recorded phone call and without provocation). I'm glad to be able to say that your situation doesn't equal some of those calls, but it does tie in to what Peter's talking about. The customer deserves respect, but there are limits - and the forum is a separate entity with its own rules, where everyone has to be required to follow the same rules.

Eh, bad example, your comment is beyond the scope of the real issue here. I didn't call Scott or anyone at Outlaw any names nor was I out of line for being upset about a product that doesn't work. I had high expectations for Outlaw thats all.

BTW do you see the anomaly I see in the OSD ?
I'm guessing that you're looking at the setup menu via component video, such that the 990 is replacing the source video signal with a blank screen and then overlaying the menu on that. This is how I use my 990's menu (I have s-video connected to the TV because I used to use it with the Model 950, but I don't bother using it). I don't remember any interference, but there may be a resolution change happening that your display is reacting to (the OSD is 480i, but the component signal it replaced could easily be at 480p or higher). If you're seeing the interference when using the composite output, then that's a different story. Since I don't use the composite, I can't really offer much about that case. What does the interference look like? [/QB][/QUOTE]

Well the original unit didnt do that for the time that it did work. I'll try a different video source and see if its the same. The interference looks like digital snow in horizontal lines. It only does this when you are making a selection on the screen.