The "revolutionary" new tech has to do with Room Correction (that actually works, unlike Audyssey that gives different settings when you run it multiple times...).

BTW, proper Room correction also requires massive computing power, so going with TWO chips is surely beneficial...

At that price ($1,400), I would expect it to have a good video processing solution - using probably either HQV Reon or ABT 2010.

And yes, I fully expect to see the CS 49700 in the 970 replacement (whenever it comes out).
BSMNT HT - Oppo DV-970HD,Tos HD-A2,Emo LMC-1/Onkyo TX-SR705, Outlaw 7125,PSB Image 4T 8C 10S, Outlaw LFM-1+,Panny PT-AE900U, DIY 106" fixed screen

LIVRM 2ch - Philips 963SA,Lexicon DC-1,Carver AV-505,Von Schweikert VR-2,Sony KDF-E42A10