A good way to troubleshoot the delay is to also hook up the component and digital signals to your TV directly from the cable box, assuming your TV has the ability to have a digital optical or coax input. As this removes the 990 from the mix, you can determine if the cable box is causing a delay with the video to the TV first and foremost.

Absent the ability to hook up directly to the TV both digital sources, then you should trial and error the coax versus optical on the 990 and see if this helps fix.

I for one tried the auto set up of the 990, but opted to manually adjust the settings myself instead. This was just related to speaker levels and distances. I did not adjust for any lip synch delay to any of the inputs. While the auto setup was close, I had to tweak a few things slighly due to my room layout not being uniform.

As I said, my lip synch issues were intermittent and only on the cable box, so rather than adjust the 990 for delays, I tried to reduce the occurrence of the intermittence and so far have been fine of late.