Hi Lizard King -

I've been using Blue Jeans Cables in my newest AV setup ... and using digital coax whenever possible. For the 990, that means Oppo DV981-HD and M-Audio get dibs on its coax ins (and the M-Audio will also get its coax out) ... DirecTV HR20-100S will have to resign itself to optical. BJC uses Belden 1694A with Canare RCAP's for coax ... my 'last generation' digital setup used Canare LV-61S cable stock and the same RCAP's, and I don't perceive any difference in sonic character ... BJC (thus I) uses Mitsubishi Eska POF for TOSlink. All cables are as short as possible without tension/sharp bends. 990 to Oppo and DirecTV are 1.5 feet; PC/M-Audio are 3 feet.

One of these days I'll take pics of my system and outline my components for all to see ...

Thanks -

- Ian