Originally posted by BloggingITGuy:
I'm not sure how SqueezeBox integrates with itunes...
Slim Devices claims the Squeezebox will play from iTunes: http://www.slimdevices.com/pi_features.html although I've never tried this. You can download their SlimServer software and try it with a software Squeezebox and see how the iTunes integration works.

I've had my Squeezebox for about two years and I really like it. Of the audio outputs I've only used the optical, partially as mine is on a shelf and the thinner cable is easier to hide. The sound is just dandy although I haven't noticed any difference with my new 990 (but the 7700 did help :-) Makes a nice clock too.

The Sonos system seems nice but its Desktop Controller software doesn't support Linux which makes it a non-starter for me.
Outlaw 990/7700/LFM-1 EX, Samsung HLN 61" DLP, Magnepan 1.5 fronts (surrounds are coming soon :-), Toshiba HD-A35, JVC and Philips DVD, Slim Devices Squeezebox, Toshiba VHS, JVC tape, Technics phono, and various cables (Outlaw, AudioQuest, Monster)