Originally posted by KMDonlon:
Glad to hear I am not the only one who feels strongly on this, no word so far from Outlaw regarding a possible firmware fix... many of us are waiting patiently... some more than others :rolleyes:
You're not the only one with the issue! I'm also appaled at the number of people who offered irrelevant solution to you on this thread. Most actually offered solutions to fix the reverse of our problem! I fully understood you issue at first reading, and english is not even my primary language!

In my case, I don't even have the luxury to lower the sub level because I don't actually run a sub! My mains L/R are full range beasts incorporating their own amplified woofers, so no add-on sub required here! So even if the sub offset would go both direction, this wouldn't fix my issue. Feeding the L/R with a regular full range stereo produce a balanced sound with plenty of bass response and headroom. Only with Dolby Digital source the bass is grossly overpowering everything.

Only an "LFE trim" adjustment would correct the bass output. Anyonw know why Dolby decided to boost the LFE signal by 10 dB at the encoding of a DD title? They call it a feature? I call it a defect!

I don't know see how I can fix this... I'm familar with my room, my equipment and my DVDs. I'm into HT and loud car audio since the early 90s and I do live sound mixing as part of my job for almost 20 years.

I opened a ticket with Outlaw, we'll see.
Eric Desrochers

" I hear no highs, I feel no lows, it sounds like crap, it must be Bose "