OK - I'm back with more questions. First, I'm sorry to bug you guys - I really struggle with computer-type issues and the MX700 has me befuddled.

My next desire is to go to the MX Editor's file menu and delete the saved devices that I don't use - I only want the device that's active for me to be in the file menu. Can that be done.

Beware: I'll be back for more questions. If I understant things correctly, the macro stuff will work as follows: If I want to watch a DVD in my OPPO, I can program the remore to turn on my OPPO, my TV, my 950 and select the right 950 format for 5.1 surround sound, just by pressing the OPPO button on my main menu, then hitting the On button. If that's correct, I'll try to figure out how to program all that. If not, let me know.

Outlaw 950 / 770
Sony PS 3
Sharp Aquos - LC46E77UN
DirecTV - HD DVR
Mains - Paradigm Studio 80's
Surround - Paradigm ADP-470v-3's
Sub - Paradigm Seismic 12
Center - Paradigm CC-470
Outdoor - Paradigm Style 470's