Through a bad habit of moving stuff around and experimenting, I have compiled the following statistics:
1. time to notice speaker disconnected:
rear : 2 weeks
main left: 2 days
center: 0.5 hour (during a movie!)
2. time to notice computer not plugged in after a "faulty" USB connection to 990: 2 frustrating hours. :rolleyes:
3. Years before noticing a "loudness" button in my C-1 Carver preamp: 12
4. Age at which I realized I could have gone on reverse in a tricycle and it would have been sooo cool: 14 (I still kick myself)
I may be absent-minded but at least I am clumsy...
That's why you guys amaze me with your precise hearing. I couldn't tell you if my speaker distance was 6 inches off - heck, I couldn't tell you if the speaker was there at all...he, he, he...
I am better (by my own standards) at hearing frequencies. So I second the smaller increments. It would give me quite a few more hours of experimenting opportunities with the SMS-1 and perhaps allow me to pick-up another missing speaker... Hey, what does that button do?...