Question about tubes:
This thread recalled something I had heard concerning the issue of tubes v SS.
Here goes with issues:
(1)tube component starts out working 100% with new tubes. As time goes by either tubes deteriorate or at least they don't function 100%.
(2) tubes have to be replaced to get back to LN.
(3) more heat with tubes.
Years and years ago I had an integrated amp/preamp. I think the brand name was REGENCY. Chassis and front panel were gold color. big transformers were black. It was mono. Does that date me or what???
Oh...The speaker was Electrovoice in a model Regency (coincidence) cabinet. Haven't seen one in years. And when I went stereo (some of you may remember the store) I bought a cabinet in kit form from ALLIED RADIO 100 N. Western Ave in Chicago.
Curious if anyone recalls any of the above.
Yes (answer to one question above. That dates me