OUTLAW - are you ever going to resolve this?

A year passes and the failure to resolve such a fundamental operating issue is unnaceptable.

Gonk, I truly appreciate your contributions to this site, as I am sure Outlaw does, but your speaking as an apologist for Outlaw only gives them an reason to further delay a resolution.

Your previous post where you say:

policy of being tight-lipped about product updates in general as a sort of residual scar tissue from the Model 950 development (when they were a bit too open about projected delivery dates and got roasted on a spit in numerous online forums when the product ran into numerous delays).

makes no sense. Scar tissue from a premature announcement and the fallout that ensued? I hope the pricipals at Outlaw are tougher than that. It's no excuse for poor communication or lack of resolution.

This is a basic operational issue for the 990, not a discussion of a new product release. One issue is a premature announcement about a new product (950), the other issue is the seemingly (I am leaving room that it isn't) flawed operation of the 990.

By making these apologist statements for Outlaw you are compromising your integrity as a good- hearted friend and advisor to users of Outlaw components. It will only serve to plant a seed of doubt to the forum members as to why you're here; to help or to make excuses for Outlaw.

I hate to sound harsh, because I like your posts - and again, you provide a great service to the forum users and by default to Outlaw, but I feel really disappointed when you start theorizing and coming up with excuses for Outlaw. Let them monitor these posts and assign someone to respond - it's their responsibility. And if they don't think it's important to respond to these inexcusable delays in getting a product that has now been on the market for YEARS!, - let them suffer the consequences when members take their business elsewhere.
990/Oppo BDP-83SE/Toshiba A3/Emotiva XPA-3/B&K ST-1430-II/Gallo Ref 3.1/Gallo Reference AV-Center/Gallo A'DIVAti(3)Rear/ MIT Term 2&4 Cable/Mitsubishi WD65C9//Monster HTS-1000.