I was under the impression that if your mains were set to large, and stereo mode set to bypass, no A/D/A occurred. Is this not correct? What tests can be run to prove this?
Hi jrlouie,

I believe that the problem is with mains being set to "small". The analog BM matrix shows that in all cases, setting the device to "Bypass" should allow no filtering at all. It seems to work correctly when mains are set to "Large" but not when they are set to "Small". The fact that the filtering does NOT follow the crossover point is concerning, as it doesn't appear to simply be an overlooked issue of applying BM, but some other weird bug.

I started this thread, but sold my 990 some time ago after not getting a fix (I really can't believe that there's still not a fix for this -- it's either fixable in firmware or it's not; if yes, it shouldn't be that hard of a fix). Anyway, on the first page of this thread there is a post by me, linking to the HomeTheaterShack in which I performed a number of measurements that prove that this is a problem. I can't prove that there is or is not an A/D/A process occurring using the tests I performed; it only shows that theres some type of filtering going on, and we can all agree that a HPF on the mains should NOT be occurring in "Bypass" mode.

To the previous poster that commented on all the glowing reviews of the 990: I totally agree. I don't recall any particular reviews, but the BM issue with "Bypass" mode was quite audible to me.

It's unfotunate that Outlaw has been so slow to resolve this. It's been almost a year since I identified this, and still zero (well, there are some hints and half a rumor, but that's about it).