I want add my 2 cents to the discussion.
The small/large bass management issue is very frustrated. I discover it few month ago when I get the Denon DVD-3930CI as the replacement for my Oppo 971. Since then I’m watching this topic with more frustration how the Outlaw is dealing with it.
All the time when I want listen to audio bypass or DVD-Audio I have change the speaker size.
If Outlaw considers this is functionality not major issue then good luck in the future product sale.
This brings another question.
If the 7.1 is consider direct audio bypass why the lip delay could be adjusted?
It could be only done by A/D/A.
That is bad news for DVD-A and future TrueHD users who want use the analog output from their high end source player.
The 7.1 input setup shall have option between Bypass and A/D/A as the audio analog inputs has and the bypass shall by true analog.
I don’t think my next processor will be from Outlaw. I had too many issues with the 990 in the past. Starting with the front IR input sensor. Nobody in the Outlaw knows how to make it working to distribute IR to other components via rear IR output jack.
It is good sounding unit but too many bugs in details and the small/large issue ignored by Outlaw for more then year speak for it self.