Is there really no resolution to this issue already? This isn't something that's difficult to reproduce, and it's really a pretty glaring problem for anyone that happens to own speakers capable of reproducing low frequencies.

The more I play with the 990, the more I'm finding that this really may not be the right pre/pro for me... and that's a huge disappointment because it sounds wonderful with 2-channel audio. But you can't easily switch back and forth to multichannel without the bass problems, at least if you happen to own 'large' speakers that you enjoy listening to alone for stereo sources.

I'll have to experiment further, but the SMS-1 may be a workaround since it has a 12-v trigger which could be used to defeat the subwoofer entirely... and then I'll just be forced to set the main speakers to 'large' and not filter them at all, even when watching movies when I wouldn't mind at least protecting them from the bottom octave.

Is there an ETA on a fix?

- Jason