What the 990 claims to do is give you a full-range pass through, no A/D/A. What you are getting is some type of high pass filter on the mains, and not a full range signal.

As far as I can tell, it's a bug in the system somewhere. I assume that it's happening digitally, which it should not be.

The Outlaws have taken my problem ticket and said they are working on it. Several people have claimed to hear the same thing, so I don't think it's an issue of reproducing the problem, but rather just a matter of finding the right solution.

There is another thread around here that seems to indicate that the LPF, as defined by the crossover point, is being applied to the LFE channel. I think this is also wrong, and that the LFE channel should be sent to the sub in its entirety, regardless of crossover points.

If I were shopping, like you, I would wait till this stuff gets ironed out. I'm confident that they will fix it sometime soon.