Hi again,

Yep, you've got it right. An analog signal coming from my PC playing a single tone in bypass mode. All I'm doing to alter things is switch between small and large size for my mains speakers in the OSD. Sub is unplugged and I'm not messing with the volume control.

Same test at 1kHz measured no change.

Freq=200 Hz
Lg=70.3 dB
Sm=69.8 dB

Freq=100 Hz
Lg=78.7 dB
Sm=77.3 dB

FWIW, the front crossover point was set at 40 Hz, but moving it around didn't appear to make any difference in the measurements.

I see what you're saying about dropping off 4 db for any potential sub contribution. However, since they're publishing that the mains be full range, I don't think there should be any frequency roll off at all.

Also, the sub output in bypass mode is also full range, so they couldn't assume at what frequencies the sub would contribute. I'm using a DIY sub that relies on BM from the 990, so full range into that sub sounds pretty bad. Or, what if I had an SVS or Outlaw sub and was using its built in crossover? They wouldn't know where that was set in order to roll off my mains.

All in all, I think that full range should be full range, no roll off, when in bypass mode, regardless of the size setting for the mains.

Finally, if they are rolling off the mains at whatever point, and for whatever reason, does that imply that they have sampled my analog signal?

It's probably in the manual somewhere, but do they directly state that bypass mode means no A/D and D/A?
