Originally posted by charlie:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by delius:
[qb]Okay perfesser. Speaking of simple & basic, I've always wanted to know something: that "electromagnetizm" you speaketh of.... how does it work? Ya know... like... what causes EM forces? Sure, we know they're there but... what creates the energy? Why is the strength of an EM field what it is? Why does it decrease with the square of the distance from the charge? Why do the fields of multiple charges add the way they do? Or why is the field of a point charge radial? Oh. And in your treatise of how EM fields work, try not to fall in love with your own words and go over 200. Thanks, knew ya could!
Since a course on this subject and the theory behind it is clearly outside the scope of this forum, I'll do something better, and more useful. I will give you a simple, repeatable experiment that will demonstrate how electromagnetism works.
You're dodging again, Charlie. I wasn't asking for a course on the subject, or a dissemination of all known theory, nor a demonstration of how EM works. I've already done my own, I know that it works. But you seem to think that simply because the effects of EM can be observed, that everything about the phenomenon of magnetism is known to science and man. What you seem to be oblivious to is that physicists are still arguing that very point today, and there is much debate over what is and isn't known about magnetism, and definitely no clear consensus. Oh but being a member of the Outlaw forums, I suppose it may shock you too much to learn then that what may be taught in science class isn't the be all and end all of what is known about magnetism, and so like everything that contradicts what you and the other members of this forum have been taught, like the good sheep that play "follow the leader", you will simply refuse to believe otherwise or think for yourselves.
Well, I'll tell you what I believe. From what I have learned about you so far, I believe that you have learned about magnetism through its effects and not as a mechanism. Knowing how the field reacts is only pretending to know the mechanism, and it doesn't explain what the field is. All your simple demonstration proves is that the phenomenon of magnetism can be observed. But that doesn't explain what causes magnetism. Is it the spin of electrons? If so, why do the different spins cause magnetism? Given that I have read various competing theories as to the magnetic moment caused by the spin, please tell me which is the "one true theory" that is "correct"? (And, needless to say, you'll have to offer valid evidence to show how and why it supercedes all the others for it to pass muster with me... You know... allegiance to "the scientific principle"...). And I'm sure a lot of Outlaw members are confused about this and dying to know.... and since you know so much about electromagnetism....
Take a length of commonly available insulated 20 gauge solid copper wire and wrap 10 turns around a #16 framing nail. Ensure that there is a close fit in the wraps and that the nail can still move freely within the coils. Connect a small dry cell battery (1.5 volt should be enough) to the ends of the wire. Slowly insert the nail into the coil. Note that you feel a force pulling the nail.
You've just almost described one of the devices I use to improve my audio. Except mine has a 9v battery.... Too bad, you almost had the recipe for some powerful audio juju. I wonder if I should publish the instructions for making it and using it here? No, no. Pearls before swine, and all of that...
This concludes our measurable demonstration of the effects of EM.
Not even close. And I'd say "nice try", but it isn't. You haven't answered a single one of my questions on the subject of EM, and I've just given you a few more. So you have two tasks queued. Don't disappoint! And remember, "responses are not answers". I gave you specific questions, I expect specific answers to them, that are considered to be "scientific fact", which you and yours claim to be so reverent of.
R. Mackey: Stay out of this. I know it'll be hard for you, since you're an arrogant blowhard and an attention whore. But I could care less about your input on the subject, and I'm sure everyone else cares even less than me about your boring opinions. I'll deal with you after I'm finished with your little friend Charlie here. But despite the dumb assumptions we've seen from the dumb natives about all the people I'm supposed to be, I'm just one person. I can only kick one ass at a time. So let Charlie fight his own ideological battles. He's a big boy, he started this battle, he knows what he's getting into, I'm sure he can stand or fall on his own. And if he really needs help to fight his battles, that's even sadder than what we've already seen all this time from the average yo-boys here.
cvinfig: Wow, I doubt even Chewbacca could handle that big of a red herring. Ignoratio elenchi.
Well then my dear Chewbacca, I equally doubt that you could explain how it is
ignoratio elenchi on my part. And let me add, how very ironic in an audio dilletante's forum where
ad hominem abusive is the only form of argument any of you closed-minded backwoods brawlers have ever used against Kaitt or Belt's products. Not to mention anyone advocating them....