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#64502 - 02/28/07 05:01 PM Can't Decide
jghim Offline

Registered: 03/24/04
Posts: 22
I am over 99 percent certain I want to go with Outlaw as opposed to other mass market options. I have been considering the 990+7125 for some time now, but can't decide. The alternative would probably be the 1070. The 990 seems to have more surround options, such as applying DPIIx to DTS, and a few other features. But performance-wise, is there such a dramatic difference between the 990 and the 1070? I'd be willing to shell out the extra bucks if it really were.

I won't be able to make a purchase until I get my cable problem settled, which is a pain in itself. Been thinking of going Dish, but I've seen what happens on rainy days.

#64503 - 02/28/07 05:11 PM Re: Can't Decide
gonk Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 14054
Loc: Memphis, TN USA
The 1070 will also apply PLIIx to DTS 5.1 sources. The surround processing capabilities in both are pretty well identical from what I understand. The 990 offers better DAC's, addressable component and DVI video inputs, editable input names, and a couple other things. For movies and TV viewing, the sonic differences between the two would not probably be drastic. For music, though, the 990 is really an excelllent choice, as this is where it really sets itself apart. What speakers are you using? That could contribute to your decision, as well.
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Reviews: Index | 990 | speakers | BDP-93

#64504 - 02/28/07 08:55 PM Re: Can't Decide
tmdlp Offline

Registered: 01/15/06
Posts: 215
Loc: Big D, Tx
in addition to Gonk's points - the seperate amp will give you some sonic positives over a fine recever as the 1070: better seperation, dynamics. The 7125 is a neutral amp and maits well w/ the 990.
I have had the 990/7125 setup for a year plus and dont have any regrets. I don't have any desires to change.
Outlaw 990/7125, Oppo, Xbox 360, Paradigm (L/R/C), Polk (S), M&K Sub w/ SMS-1, Samsung LED-DLP HDTV, Signal Cable, Brickwall

#64505 - 02/28/07 09:12 PM Re: Can't Decide
AvFan Offline

Registered: 09/12/05
Posts: 619
Loc: El Cajon, California

And adding to the good points Gonk and tmdlp mentioned....surround sound processors will evolve over time but amps don't really change. When you get the urge to upgrade (admit it, we all upgrade!) you will only need to change the ssp to have the latest and greatest sound.
Outlaw 976 | ATI 2005 | M&K 850s Left, Center & Right, Surround-55s, MX-70B Sub | Harmony 950 remote | Panamax 5100 | OPPO UDP-203 | LG OLED55B7

#64506 - 02/28/07 09:40 PM Re: Can't Decide
zod Offline

Registered: 06/14/06
Posts: 32
I bought a 990 about six months ago and am very happy that I did. The DACs are wonderful and the unit is totally transparent. This will be the heart of your system for many years to come.

#64507 - 03/02/07 11:08 AM Re: Can't Decide
Arky Offline

Registered: 11/21/06
Posts: 67
Loc: Central Ark
My thoughts:
The outboard amp will be significantly better sonically than the avr. It has one function, to amplify the signal with its own power supply which generally will provide more headroom. AVR's have to share the available power supply.

As for Dish, I used their basic SD system for 15 yrs & periodically would lose the signal in inclement weather. Last December I had their HD system installed & have not lost the signal yet, even in heavy rain. I don't have an explanation but i'm very pleased.
Outlaw 990/7500; QSC 2402; Sony dvd;
Dish vip 622; Panny 50PX75U; H/K 7200
Klipsch RF-7,RC-7,Cornwalls,Cornscala
HeresyII,Heresy; SVS 2039pc+; Sonic Super T

#64508 - 03/02/07 12:04 PM Re: Can't Decide
jghim Offline

Registered: 03/24/04
Posts: 22
Thanks all. I am hoping that this purchase will be my last A/V purchase for years to come. My last receiver seemed to have got fried somehow. Technician's diagnosis was useless.

I have a 5.0 system. I have NHT SuperTwos for front and backs. The SuperCenter for center. I have very much into multichannel audio -- SACD/DVD-A -- as well as concert video. The 990 may be a better choice.

Note that the manual for the 1070 didn't seem to say that you could apply DPIIx to DTS 5.1. I may have to go back and check that chart again.

Arky, I am surprised to see that you haven't lost a signal. Are you using DishTV? Have you been satisfied with your 990/7500 combo when running the Dish through it?

#64509 - 03/02/07 12:49 PM Re: Can't Decide
gonk Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 14054
Loc: Memphis, TN USA
There's a blurb on page 14 of the 1070 manual that states that "Pro Logic IIx processing also works with 5.1-channel material, either Dolby Digital or DTS, to create 7.1-channel sound. This mode is shown in the front panel and on-screen displays as “ProLogicIIx-X" - it's not in the chart, but it's hanging around in there somewhere. smile

The SuperTwos are 86dB efficient, 6 ohm speakers. I think that there are some SuperTwo owners around here who have used then with Outlaw gear, although my search didn't turn up much (just this post from a Model 1050 owner who reported that the 1050 drove them fine). The 1070 would certainly handle the load, although as Arky points out the 7125 would probably offer more headroom. As a 990 owner myself, I'd consider the 990/7125 combo a very safe (and very nice) choice for multichannel music and concert video in addition to the regular suspects (two-channel music, satellite TV, and movies on DVD).

Speaking of concert video, have you been seeing all the talk about NIN's new disc? It seems to be getting a lot of attention, only partially because of the simultaneous release on DVD, HD-DVD, and Blu-ray...
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Reviews: Index | 990 | speakers | BDP-93

#64510 - 03/02/07 09:00 PM Re: Can't Decide
Arky Offline

Registered: 11/21/06
Posts: 67
Loc: Central Ark
Very satisfied with the 990/7500. There are a couple of concert channels on dish network that sound quite nice with the 990.

As for signal loss i'm surprised too & there has been some hard rain.
Outlaw 990/7500; QSC 2402; Sony dvd;
Dish vip 622; Panny 50PX75U; H/K 7200
Klipsch RF-7,RC-7,Cornwalls,Cornscala
HeresyII,Heresy; SVS 2039pc+; Sonic Super T

#64511 - 03/04/07 09:25 PM Re: Can't Decide
Guido Offline

Registered: 06/22/06
Posts: 46
Loc: Northern Virginia
jghim, Like you I have struggled with the decision to 990 or not. I have done a lot of research, read forums and reviews on a lot of equipment. I am convinced that there is absolutly NOTHING that even comes close to the 990 for $1k. Is there better? Absolutely, but not for that price. I am tired of trying to find something better so I ordered my 990 tonight. My biggest negative was the size but I can deal with that now. There are a lot of good ears and a lot of good knowledge on this forum and I have to trust the "database" of happy users. I am looking forward to receiving my 990 later in the week. By the way, Direct TV and Dish are extremely reliable and only go out during the most severe storms for very short times. Cable was always going out for hours.
Outlaw 990-7500, OPPO BDP-83, Main L&R: B&W DM604s3, Rears: B&W DM602s3, Ctr: B&W LCR600s3, Velodyne SPL1200R, Outlaw, Signal, Blue Jeans Cables, Sony 52W4100 LCD, Harmony One

#64512 - 03/04/07 09:39 PM Re: Can't Decide
Arky Offline

Registered: 11/21/06
Posts: 67
Loc: Central Ark
Guido congrats! Like you I figured at some point the principle of diminishing return kicks in. These Outlaw guys found their niche with the 990, a very fine unit. Hard to find negative reviews.
Outlaw 990/7500; QSC 2402; Sony dvd;
Dish vip 622; Panny 50PX75U; H/K 7200
Klipsch RF-7,RC-7,Cornwalls,Cornscala
HeresyII,Heresy; SVS 2039pc+; Sonic Super T

#64513 - 03/04/07 09:59 PM Re: Can't Decide
BobZoom Offline

Registered: 01/29/07
Posts: 56
Loc: near Chicago
Guido, I labored over my 990 purchase, too. I looked at used Krells and Sunfires. I thrusted and parried. And eventually realized...much thanks to this forum...that the 990 was the way to go. Yes, the 990 is a superlative unit, especially considering the cost. But, also, the helpfulness of the people at this site had much to do with my decision. I'm certain you won't regret yours.
Outlaw 990; Carver TFM45 (mains); Carver TFM35 (surrounds); Carver TFM24 (bridged for center); Carver TFM15CB (rears); Acoustic Research AR9 mains; Polk CS400I center; Polk FX500I surrounds; Polk FX300I rears; Sony KDS-60A2000; Oppo DV-981HD; MX-850

#64514 - 03/06/07 03:09 PM Re: Can't Decide
UMtiger Offline

Registered: 03/06/06
Posts: 59
Loc: Memphis, TN
I cannot speak for seperates compared to receivers since I have always had seperates, but the 990 "kicked" my NAD preamp while using the same NAD amp. I have since ordered the 7500 and looking forward to the matched pair. Many others above also gave excellent reasons for seperates. YES DO IT

#64515 - 03/07/07 12:41 PM Re: Can't Decide
jghim Offline

Registered: 03/24/04
Posts: 22
Thanks all. This is what I needed.

One of the things I'm concerned about now is my power and cable situation. I'm going to look into an electrician. Can't commit the money until those fundamental issues are cleared. I really hate my cable company....

Originally posted by gonk:
Speaking of concert video, have you been seeing all the talk about NIN's new disc? It seems to be getting a lot of attention, only partially because of the simultaneous release on DVD, HD-DVD, and Blu-ray... [/QB]
No, I haven't seen that, but thanks for pointing it out to me. I am a NIN fan, but haven't listened to them in some time. What are your impressions?

#64516 - 03/07/07 01:03 PM Re: Can't Decide
gonk Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 14054
Loc: Memphis, TN USA
I haven't heard it either, although I'm mighty tempted to pick a copy up.

Best of luck with the cable problems. What is the power situation?
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Reviews: Index | 990 | speakers | BDP-93

#64517 - 03/07/07 01:20 PM Re: Can't Decide
jghim Offline

Registered: 03/24/04
Posts: 22
Originally posted by gonk:
Best of luck with the cable problems. What is the power situation?
I am getting unusual fluctuations while watching TV. The picture will suddenly flash in-and-out, and the TV will emit an "instantaneous," high squeal. I think it may be related to my cable or possibly my electricity. I noticed it once while watching a DVD.

Cable guy has been unhelpful so far. He checked the line, and noted that there is a line amplifier. Said there is nothing he can do, short of re-wiring. This may not be possible, as I live in a town home (attached house). Other home owners would be affected.

I don't know what my next step should be at the moment, other than check the electricity and possibly move to satellite.

#64518 - 03/07/07 03:10 PM Re: Can't Decide
cedman1 Offline

Registered: 12/22/04
Posts: 49
Loc: Chicago
I had a almost identical problem with my cable a few years back. I had the cable people out numerous times because the signal would do exactly as you describe or just cut out completely. I tried amplifiers and the such, all to no avail. Finally when I threatened to use other means (Dish/DirectTV) they sent a technician out that found the problem out at the box in our cul-de-sac. Something had chewed through the insulation on my underground run to the home.

They replaced about 2 feet of underground cable and the issue was solved. What lead to the technician checking the physical cable out at the box was when I explained that the problem was intermittant most times until it either rained or snowed, at which time I could expect the problems to occur about 95% of the time.

Not sure if my situation applies to yours,

Either way happy hunting.

#64519 - 03/07/07 05:39 PM Re: Can't Decide
gonk Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 14054
Loc: Memphis, TN USA
We had problems (although not exactly as jghim describes) when squirrels were chewing on the cable on the side of the house, but even then it would presumably not affect DVD playback. Tricky problem to troubleshoot... You could always try a couple of power-related tests: replace the surge protector, or plug the system (particularly the TV) into a receptacle on a different circuit.
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Reviews: Index | 990 | speakers | BDP-93

#64520 - 03/07/07 07:45 PM Re: Can't Decide
Hullguy Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 380
Loc: South Weymouth, MA USA
Is the picture on the TV growing smaller, "Pin cushioning"? If so this is a sign of voltage drop. The squealing is strange. I'll talk to some of the audio engineers at work and see what they come up with. Jim

#64521 - 03/08/07 12:00 PM Re: Can't Decide
jghim Offline

Registered: 03/24/04
Posts: 22
Originally posted by Hullguy:
Is the picture on the TV growing smaller, "Pin cushioning"? If so this is a sign of voltage drop. The squealing is strange. I'll talk to some of the audio engineers at work and see what they come up with. Jim
No, there is no pin cushioning. But I deeply appreciate your help.

I'm genuinely amazed by the depth of knowledge and willingness to help on this forum. I have been a very long time lurker. I'm glad I decloaked and posted.

#64522 - 03/08/07 03:11 PM Re: Can't Decide
RedSIinPA Offline

Registered: 12/28/06
Posts: 278
Loc: Outside Phila.
No love for the 1070 wink

just kidding.

I'm reading this thread because I've considered buying a 990 combo and moving my 1070 downstairs to my living room. It's one of a couple ideas I'm tossing around.

Can someone define the following terms I've read in here:




I'm just curious how a layman would identify with those terms in a listening environment.
Model 1070
Toshiba HD-A35 & Pioneer BDP-51
Tivo Series 3
Elite 50" / Aquos 32"
Squeezebox Radio

Stereo Setup:
NAD C326BEE (50Wx2)
Elite DV-47Ai Universal SACD/DVD-A
Citypulse DA7.2x II + TXCO DAC
B&W 685s
JL Fathom F112
Denon AH-D2000 Headphones

#64523 - 03/13/07 03:00 PM Re: Can't Decide
Guido Offline

Registered: 06/22/06
Posts: 46
Loc: Northern Virginia
The 990 arrived last week and got it and the Oppo set up fine thanks to a good manual and rereading some old posts. Even the picture on the old TV looks better now. Can't wait to get that 50" LCD in a couple months I hope. The sound is incredible with the B&W's. The surprising thing to me was when we were watching our first movie the other night, 10 minutes into it the Wife says "Wow, the sound is awesome-We REALLY need a bigger TV". Music to my ears.
Outlaw 990-7500, OPPO BDP-83, Main L&R: B&W DM604s3, Rears: B&W DM602s3, Ctr: B&W LCR600s3, Velodyne SPL1200R, Outlaw, Signal, Blue Jeans Cables, Sony 52W4100 LCD, Harmony One

#64524 - 03/13/07 04:08 PM Re: Can't Decide
gonk Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 14054
Loc: Memphis, TN USA
smile - Always fun to hear about new toys working out nicely.
HT Basics | HDMI FAQ | Pics | Remote Files | Art Show
Reviews: Index | 990 | speakers | BDP-93

#64525 - 03/13/07 05:15 PM Re: Can't Decide
jghim Offline

Registered: 03/24/04
Posts: 22
Originally posted by Guido:
The 990 arrived last week and got it and the Oppo set up fine thanks to a good manual and rereading some old posts. Even the picture on the old TV looks better now. Can't wait to get that 50" LCD in a couple months I hope. The sound is incredible with the B&W's. The surprising thing to me was when we were watching our first movie the other night, 10 minutes into it the Wife says "Wow, the sound is awesome-We REALLY need a bigger TV". Music to my ears.

What TVs are you looking at?

#64526 - 03/13/07 08:47 PM Re: Can't Decide
Guido Offline

Registered: 06/22/06
Posts: 46
Loc: Northern Virginia
jghim, Something in the 50" range, LCD flat panel. I really like the Sony's at this point but it will be end of Summer/Fall before I am ready and video displays are rapidly changing so it's anyone's game by then.
Outlaw 990-7500, OPPO BDP-83, Main L&R: B&W DM604s3, Rears: B&W DM602s3, Ctr: B&W LCR600s3, Velodyne SPL1200R, Outlaw, Signal, Blue Jeans Cables, Sony 52W4100 LCD, Harmony One

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