The 990 arrived last week and got it and the Oppo set up fine thanks to a good manual and rereading some old posts. Even the picture on the old TV looks better now. Can't wait to get that 50" LCD in a couple months I hope. The sound is incredible with the B&W's. The surprising thing to me was when we were watching our first movie the other night, 10 minutes into it the Wife says "Wow, the sound is awesome-We REALLY need a bigger TV". Music to my ears.
Outlaw 990-7500, OPPO BDP-83, Main L&R: B&W DM604s3, Rears: B&W DM602s3, Ctr: B&W LCR600s3, Velodyne SPL1200R, Outlaw, Signal, Blue Jeans Cables, Sony 52W4100 LCD, Harmony One