Originally posted by charlie:
Super D,
Explain how CLC works, in 200 words or less. I'll explain something as an example:
[b]A loudspeaker transducer works by converting electrical input to pressure variations. This is usually accomplished by harnessing electromagnetizm to move an assembly that has the desired physical properties, but there are other designs.
See? Simple, basic. A common basis of understanding to build a discussion upon.
Go for it.[/b]
Okay perfesser. Speaking of simple & basic, I've always wanted to know something: that "electromagnetizm" you speaketh of.... how does it work? Ya know... like... what causes EM forces? Sure, we know they're there but... what creates the energy? Why is the strength of an EM field what it is? Why does it decrease with the square of the distance from the charge? Why do the fields of multiple charges add the way they do? Or why is the field of a point charge radial? Oh. And in your treatise of how EM fields work, try not to fall in love with your own words and go over 200. Thanks, knew ya could!