Dr_JB, I hope you've found by this time that you like your AKGs - I haven't heard them but AKG phones are favored at Recording for the Blind and There's two more links in the reproduction chain fDyslexic where I volunteer. Re Outlaw's implied recommendation of dedicated headphone amps for dedicated headphone listeners, it sort of stands to reason, at least to me, that an amplifier designed to do the best possible job feeding a few milliwatts into the 16 ohm load of good headphones (NOT electrostatic, which are an entirely different can of golden worms) and fed from the 990's preamp outputs would outdo the op-amps or whatever that are in the 990. But wireless - that raises questions about the performance of two more links in the audio chain, the transmitter and receiver, that someone else will have to answer. It would be interesting to compare the reproduction quality of a set of good phones plugged into the headphone jack of a good preamp like the 990, with the same phones attached to a domestic-size wireless transmitter-receiver combo driven from the same preamp, playing high-quality material. Maybe someone here is set up to do this; I'm not.