I notice you have the Oppo DV981H, I have the 970HD with the USB Reader, so I have two options
. Well, kind of, I can't do streaming audio thru the Oppo - it has to be a file.
I like the Outlaw's USB port when I use it in conjunction with my favorite media management program (Amarok) but that means dragging my laptop around like gonk mentioned. I have not tried the streaming radio too much as most of the stations only offer low bit rate unless you $ubscribe. My favorite station, beethoven.com, only offers 22kbps for free, so I only listen to them at work thru computer speakers. I do get some radio shows as free podcasts at 192kbs which I save as mp3s and then play later but, honestly, not thru the 990 as I feel that downloading the individual song will get me closer to a 2nd or 3rd generation of the original recording. By the way, one of those shows I listen to is produced by my brother-in-law so
I know that he plays some material from mp3s over the radio (the cat is officially out of the bag)
You should try playing some good quality digital file that's not compressed too much and you'll be even more impressed (or disappointed about your radio station).
I have a 350GB external USB hard drive that I connect to my Oppo 970 and that's my usual setup at the moment. If I need to play some lossless or unusual audio format, or want to play a pre-arranged playlist, out comes the laptop