Mighty defender of truth...
Are the worlds biggest injustices located here ?
all that bitter religous zeal leads me to believe in unresolved issues...
and all those abusive words you wrote...
don't tell me otherwise...
maybe greasing up your batteries really turns your crank...on top of altering your perception and mind...
but come on...
you can call us what you want...even hypocrites...
but please allow me to stick the same label onto you...
you're obviously getting more here than just good sound...and a quest for truth...
you seem to have quite a bit of free time to analyse all our posts...seeking truth as you say...yet you ignore the ones you can't argue...
maybe you're not gaining monetary wise...
I'm're looking to get laid or something with one of these guys(Kaitt,Belt,HFSG,GS)...
Or hey here's crazy thought...
maybe you are one of these guys...
Frankly I don't care if you are or about your truth...
But you need to smile more...get out of the house...and out of the range of those clocks...they're really doing a number on you...
you obviously seem to believe they make you sound better too...