Gonk wrote:
Since we've been looking back through the sordid history of this thread, it might be a good time to toss out a theory that's been on my mind for quite some time now. It's not directly related to the Clever Little Clock, memory foil, or cream electret, but is instead related to the reason the thread came into existence.
Oh that's really relevant. Just when I thought we were getting TOO relevant here...
Here's my theory: both HiFiSoundGuy and GoodSound are the same person, and that person came here for the express purpose of marketing (yep, there's that word again) these products.
Here's my theory. You and Sluggo share a single brain between the two of you, and alternate using it every Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Apparently, today is Sluggo's turn.
Wow indeed. Truly, I am shocked. I've never heard of anyone tagging conspiracy theories on a Belter in an audio forum before, and dispensing the notion that they must be marketing shills. I have to say, I'm in awe of how much of an original thinker you are. Did you come up with all this by yourself, or did you and Sluggo there work out the details? Would you mind if I just look at your brain for a few minutes, to see what I'm missing?
...or how about we don't and say we did?
HiFiSoundGuy arrived in the saloon on March 2, 2006. His very first post suggested that he'd placed an order for an RR2150. His second post suggested replacing capacitors in the Model 990 with Sonicaps. His third post was the start of this thread. At the time, the RR2150 was backordered several months, so he could freely stick to the "ordered a 2150" story for some time without having to worry about being asked to make specific comments about the product.
How did he know it was back ordered? Okay new theory. The owner of the website is HifiSoundGuy. Because he knew the Sonicaps were on back order. Now. You wanna talk about the third gunman on the grassy knoll? I say it was Ronald McDonald. I have some insider info that says Kennedy was frequenting Burger King. A LOT. And who was Burger King's biggest competitor? That's right, The Golden Arch guys. Ronald must have figured that Jack was cutting a deal with the beef producers to ship their best quality products to BK, while BK was in with the.... (zzzzzzzzz)
[LOTS of conspiratorial crap about gorrilas and comic books and penny arcades and formulas and Polk speakers and accents and blog sites and lack of hyphenation snipped out. Trust me folks, LOTS]
Delius has come to this forum mainly because he has a
Yo, 4-eyes, I'm over here.... Who you talkin' to? The room's empty?
ready-made bla bla bla audience with which to disagree, but his excuse was to ride to the defense of two innocent, caring individuals who had bla bla bla bla separately offered some suggestions that could help us improve the sound and picture quality of our systems. But if those bla bla bla bla innocent, caring individuals are a single bla bla bla person who came here only to try to drum up sales for a company other than the one that hosts this forum and did so by bla bla bla bla himself, then how much defense do they (does he) actually need?
You're moving in predictable circles again, R2D2. You must not realize just how sheep-like you really are. I've had the same sort of stupid conspiracy nut-retards spend 600 lines like you just did, attempting to "analyze and deconstruct" the reason for my existence, as though I didn't have the same right as any other audio enthusiast to advocate good audio products, simply because some of the audio products I use and stand behind happens to be part of the alternative audio products niche. Now those idiots at one point or another, claimed I was separately Peter Belt, his wife, the company's newsletter editor, a shill for the company, and about 25 other people, who may or may not be affiliated with the company. Some of the even stupider speculators, chose more than one option. No one ever told them that if two men say they're Jesus, one of them must be wrong. And make no mistake my dear Gonk, you are indeed, WRONG. I've noticed at least 65 "wrongs" that you've been, in your posts so far.
First off, you're trying to prove a negative, can't be done. You guys can speculate til your blue in the face, and your speculation always ends up bearing the same value. Which is something worth just under dogsh*t. The very reason I showed up is -because- of all the dogsh*t speculation I read on the PWB and MD products. This is ALL you people have ever done. And it seems to be all you ever do here. You ever heard of educating yourselves, for pete's sake? If you stop listening to the drone of your own verbal diarrhea bouncing around in your head 24/7, you might actually learn something new in life. That's what this thread is NOW about, now that I've made an entrance. Learning something NEW, that isn't the same old dogsh*t regurgitated.
You got only -one- thing right in that stupid conspiracy rant of yours. Those two guys (or one guy, "possibly"), mostly just regurgitated the advice to try the products. Ask me questions about them and I'll do more than that. But if you don't want to know anything about these products, then don't f**ing pretend you have an opinion on them. All you have is meaningless speculation, which I repeat, is worth dogsh*t. If you think *I'm* arrogant, than you should stand in my shoes and take a hard look at yourselves. An entire group of ignorant chest-beating dogmatists all insisting that they're right, on the basis of mere speculation, and not a spec of hard evidence to be found to support your speculations. Arrogant enough to be confident enough to irresponsibly call the products fraudulent, the manufacturers charlatans, and the people who use them "shills". Had you people any sense of decency or shame, you'd be ashamed at the way you have behaved these last few months in this thread, and you'd apologize for it.
Regardless of what you "think" about HFSG or the products, there's a difference between "think" and "know". You've already proven to me that you are wrong in your dismissive assessment about these products none of you dogmatists have ever tried. So chances are good that people who don't think are probably wrong in their assessment of other people. And if you want to talk about "marketing" brightlight, anyone who advocates -any- audio product on these forums can be accused of marketing. Bottom line: No one's putting a damn gun to your head and saying "Buy this product or the bunny rabbit eats it!". And from all the blind ignorant hostility I've seen here toward all alternative audio products, I sincerely doubt that anyone here is in danger of being a victim of "guerrila marketing". Your stupid half-assed theories about this terrifying consumerist cancer sweeping the net, notwithstanding. In fact, you even admitted as much yourself in another post. So you're like, arguing with two sides of your own personality!