Originally posted by loopy:
I thought this CLC posts were all in good fun, but to have someone come in and insult Gonk and Sluggo, two of the most helpful and In my honest opinion upstanding posters in these forums and to call the rest of us twits and idiots, it's just not right.
It isn't, is it? Life is SO unfair sometimes... So what you're saying is, it's "all good fun" when Sluggo and Bozo and whoever else goes and piles on attack after attack of mockery and ridicule toward a couple of members of this forum, for hundreds of posts of length, and calls them and the manufacturers "frauds and scammers" over products they've never tried. That's all in good fun, right? I don't know about "Gonk" (and if you think I insulted him, you have NO idea what insulting is....), but I do know about "Sluggo". He's the guy that called HFSG a scammer and the same twit that made groundless accusations of fraud against both Geoff Kait and Peter Belt. But in your "honest opinion", you consider this one of the most "helpful and upstanding posters" in these forums? What do you think that says to people about your forums?
so what if we don't agree with you. you are entitled to your own opinions
So what indeed. I never said you had to agree with me, and I never said you're not entitled to yours. But nor do I believe you and Sluggo and whatever other would be gunslingers who's defense you'd rush to are entitled to stupidly and irresponsibly slander or libel honest audio engineers and their companies citing them as frauds and cheats no less, never mind other members of these forums, without any factual basis for your libelous attacks. As your genius friend "Sluggo" says, it's not even an "opinion" if you bash products you know nothing about and have never tried, without "quantification and qualification". It's "fiction". Or rather, "dumb ignorant prejudice", as I'd call it.
but don't go bashing us, I enjoy coming on this forum because it doesn't have al the chest beating the others do and the posters are polite and eager to teach those of us who are not engineers and geniuses.thank you I've said my piece.
I see. So you really do consider "Sluggo" a genius. And you're right, perhaps he or she is. Next to you. But by my standards, and those of the rest of the free world, take my word for it pepito, these are not the words of a genius:
Sluggo says:
Sorry, Facts ARE quantifications and qualifications, and opinions not based upon facts (even perceptions, like "I noticed the highs rolled off less") aren't opinions, they're fiction.
They're the words of a truly ignorant "chest-beater". Examples of this poster's arrogant chest-beating abounds throughout this thread. Examples of this poster's truly insulting and defamatory remarks against HifiGoodSound, a member who never made any attacks against Sluggo, are also plentiful in this thread. Which proves Sluggo is anything but "polite". As far as teaching anyone anything about audio, or anything about anything, if you want to be a sheep and follow Sluggo, trust me, you'd do better letting slugs invade your brain and leave eggs to nest in there. Hell, even Consumer Reports is a more reliable source of information than a "Sluggo".
Originally posted by sluggo:
Cliff Notes: delius writes lengthy posts for the good of all, outs sluggo as a dropout fraud, but finds victory bittersweet.
Hey Slugger! We were just talkin' about ya. Don't worry, good stuff only. You know what, El Sluggo? Yer HILarious! The post you felt a need to write your little "Cliff Notes" version of is like 5 lines long! So what you're saying is... you feel that 5 lines is too much for you and your compadres to consume in one shot, because your short attention spans don't allow for that. Therefore, your need to feed everyone with your sound bite interpretations. And you seriously thought you were capable of having an intelligent debate with me, never mind winning one?! I'll save you some time for next time, Sluggo. Here's the Cliff Notes on my current post:
Cliff Notes: You're a 'tard.
Originally posted by Jason J:
Thanks for the laugh. Seriously, it's great to see someone have such a great commitment to an arguement.
I told you once. This isn't the room for an argument. It's down the hall, first door to your left.
Here are two thoughts for you:
1)"They have NO idea what to listen for, and fall back on what they know (ie. highs/mids/lows). "
-Without the highs/mids/lows you have air. (Unless your listening in some other medium.)
Oh. My. GOD.
Now I'm starting to see the extent of what I'm dealing with here.... If you think that there are no further aspects to music reproduction than amplitude, it's probably because you have the very same problem your friend Loopy seems to suffer from: getting all your information on audio from a "Sluggo".
By the way, "air" is actually one of those "other" aspects of music reproduction. You know, the ones you think don't exist?
2) The BOSE marketing slogan, "Better Sound Through Research."
-If you scare people with enough scientific mumbo-jumbo, especially anything relating to "technology", you can get them to believe just about anything. This even includes the belief that you can great, full sound from a tiny cube and a "bass module."
No argument there, I'm no fan of subwoofers myself, let alone Bose. And I agree that you can get people to believe almost anything with enough "scientific mumbo jumbo". We've seen no end of examples of that on this very forum, with people believing in the scientific mumbo jumbo of "blind tests", and holding that as the holy arbiter of all that is valid in audio. Or all the sheep who've been led to believe in the scientific mumbo jumbo of cd players being superior to LP replay. But you -can- get better sound through research, that's a fact. BOSE is mostly better marketing through research.
I am a firm believer in the fact that when it comes to music, your own ears are the best final judge of what is "good" sound. That being said, you can trick your ears very easily.
Uh, that's actually the concept of a stereo, Sluggo. I mean Loopy. I mean (oh geez, you're all starting to sound the same to me...) ... "Jason". What do you think the word "stereo" means? I mean you were starting out pretty good, making sense by saying your own ears are the best judge of what sounds good, and then you got all Sluggo on me...
That's where science and technology of the audio industry comes in. The tools that are available give the listener a way of knowing that their own hearing perception hasn't been falsly influenced. [/UOTE]
What mystery tools are these you speak of? The ABX comparator? See my post to Gonk about how useful that nonsense is. You seem to be contradicting yourself. I mean you start out saying your own ears should be "the final judge of good sound", then you add that no, "science and technology" has these special mystery tools that are better than using your own ears.
[QUOTE]Without this form of control, your findings are just opinions.
Again, you seem to be purposely avoiding what this magical technology that eliminates the necessity for a working pair of ears is exactly. So I can only guess that by "controls", you're talking about the ubiquitous "blind test". As I have stated in detail in my recent posts to Gonk on the subject of blind tests, any result that comes from blind or even double blind or even ABX testing of audio products, is, and always will be, "just opinions". It can NOT and should not be relied upon. It's a waste of time, basically. The discrepancy between empirical and statistical data is far too great. Do the research, man. The JAES makes it pretty obvious. Lastly, perhaps you might care to explain how to perform a proper double blind test on cream electret? (It's a cream you put on things to improve your sound).
In order to set up the test, you have to be able to switch between states of application and disapplication. Well, its an invisible cream that requires only one micron thickness to work. Kind of hard to tell if you've removed it, and if you use a product such as alcohol to remove it, well now it can be argued that you've changed the sound through the application of the alcohol (yes, before you ask, chemicals affect sound). If you try to use two identical devices during the test (ie. CDs), it can also be argued that the identical devices might not be identical after all. You seem to want easy answers to everything, and are willing to "settle" on whatever is the easiest answer for you. But I'm sorry, in the real world, it doesn't necessarily work that way. Though most people are not aware of this, LOTS of things can change your perception of sound when you listen, including the way you're sitting. You're fooling yourself to think you can control all variables during a blind test.
You are certainly more than entitled to them but it doesn't give you the right to push them on other individuals no matter how you try to market them.
Corrections: First, I'm not "marketing" my opinions. I'm "sharing" them, like you. And I'm not "trying" to share them, I am sharing them. Second, if we're talking about "rights" here, I don't think you, Sluggo or any other Bozo's here have the "right" to gang up on one or two innocent parties, and shout them down with attacks of ridicule and accusations of scamming, trolling or "marketing". All because they advocate audio products or techniques none of you know squat about, and none of you have ever even bothered to try. Those 2 guys you all slaughtered into silence never said boo to any of you. They were polite, they were impersonal, they were simply sharing their opinons on audio products. And you "Sluggoed" them with accusations of fraudulence and trolling. When in fact, you all were trolling them, happy to see them back for more opportunities to gang up on them. Being a hard core Beltist, I fully expected you all to do the same with me, so that I don't mind because.... (see my post about eating IM's for breakfast....).