Originally posted by sluggo:
Ugh. If you don't care, then why bother with the novella?
You actually think it was for you? Wow. You do seem to think highly of yourself. But only the good Lord knows why.
I at least have enough respect to keep it short.
I think its because you don't have a choice. As you can see, I do. But this respect you say you have, it's for whom, precisely? Me, whom you accused of living in my mother's basement? HifiSoundGuy and Goodsound, whom you both accused of being frauds, scammers and trolls? Respect for PWB or Machina Dynamica, whom you libelled as scammers? Or respect for your fellow gunslingers, whom you think are also at risk of hurting their brains from having to read anything longer than three lines?
Keep the words coming, if it makes you feel better. Just like any other cheap novel, I'll skip to the last line to see how it ends...and apparently, you win! Congrats.
Yeah, but it's not what I consider a "good win". If someone is simply too lily-livered to show up for the gunfight, and you never get to draw on him, there isn't much in the way of satisfaction. Still, I did prove my point quite nicely about your ability to have an intelligent debate.... Keep on shootin' blanks, pardner...