Hey guys,
I have one for ya. I am running component out of my PS3 and my 360 to a Key Digital automatic switcher. It has 2 component in and 1 component out. It senses which signal is on and sends it thru, can only do one at a time. Then I am running the component out of the switcher to the component 2 input on the 990. Here is the tricky part, the audio. Tell me if this will work? The optical out from the PS3 to opt in #3 on the 990, then the opt out from the 360 to the opt in #2 on the 990. When I label them it will go like this.
Video 3 PS3 component 2 and opt 3
Video 4 Xbox 360 component 2 and opt 2.

Which ever deivise is on, PS3 or 360, the switcher will send the video, I will choose the proper video on the 990 which will send the right audio. Correct????

Thanks again.