If you can't resurrect the 2400, let us know. We may be able to help give you some food for thought that would help with the decision making process. With HDMI v1.3 in the mix, it can be a complex issue, but there are a few perspectives on the issue that can take a few kinks out of the situation. For example, moving to separates now (Outlaw, Emotiva, or other) would still give you a good amp and processor now, and the amp can hang around for multiple generations of surround processor. Even with HDMI v1.3 standard now in place, I don't think we'll see entry-level surround processors on the market that offer HDMI for at least twelve to eighteen more months. When the time comes that HDMI processors start to show up at less painful prices, you could potentially sell your processor to help purchase a new one - assuming that the rest of your system presents a need for HDMI v1.x support.