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#6342 - 12/08/06 06:47 PM Re: Clever Little Clocks
delius Offline

Registered: 12/05/06
Posts: 43
Excellent theory, Gonk. However, considering that all three of them have one thing in common - not answering direct questions about the validity of their product - I'd be surprised if they weren't all part of the same marketing ploy.
Cliff Notes:

* Sluggo pats Gonk on the back for his unsupported lunatic conspiracy theory. Sluggo hands Gonk the "Oliver Stone" award. Gonk has made Sluggo proud to be a member of the Outlaw forums, for his magnificent displays of speculation without factual quantification or qualification.

* Sluggo contributes to Gonk's lunatic conspiracy theory, trying to expand on the original paranoid fantasy. Sluggo's contribution is to speculate that...

"... forum members who do not answer direct questions, are all part of a marketing ploy".

* Sluggo, without realizing it, implicates himself in a marketing ploy, by not answering Delius' questions to him, from day one.

NEWSFLASH: Sluggo is a guerilla marketer!

* Sluggo the Troll continues to bite Delius' on the ankle, even though Delius has ignored his trolling. Delius is awaits the "rude awakening" that Sluggo had promised. It turns out to be Sluggo pouting, whining and moaning.

* Sluggo claims "cream electret sucks". He's still never tried it, however, but knowledge or facts of an audio product has never gotten in the way of Sluggo making claims on it. Sluggo also says that "Delius sucks". Then he puts his thumb back in his mouth and pouts in a corner of the room.

* Sluggo, wisely, chooses not to refute Delius claim that Sluggo's a "'tard".

* Sluggo continues to cry, whine and moan that Delius won't answer his direct questions. It is pointed out to Sluggo that he hasn't answered any of Delius' questions. Sluggo asks for exemption, because his education and attention deficit disorder prevents him from reading anything longer than 2 lines, all of which Delius' posts surpass. Sluggo also admits he can not read "white papers", they are too difficult for him. Delius informs Sluggo that he will not grant him exemption from hypocrisy. Sluggo is currently on minor sabbatical, researching what the word "hypocrisy" means, and is planning on a major comeback.

* Sluggo predicts the rest of the forum ignores Delius, but as with every other claim Sluggo makes, it turns out not to be correct. Sluggo ensures that his prophecy never comes true, by not ignoring Delius. Immediately, and many times over. Delius however, familiar with ankle-biters like Sluggo, makes his own prediction that Sluggo will not ever be able to ignore him. Delius, predictably, turns out to be correct.

* Sluggo also predicts Delius will reveal himself as "nothing but a troll". Sluggo however, already has. Delius chooses not to feed the troll. Sluggo asks for more trolls to be sent in, because he's feeling lonely.

Next Episode: Delius continues to predict Sluggo will not ignore this thread. Sluggo continues to prove Delius correct.

#6343 - 12/08/06 06:54 PM Re: Clever Little Clocks
delius Offline

Registered: 12/05/06
Posts: 43
Gonk wrote:

Since we've been looking back through the sordid history of this thread, it might be a good time to toss out a theory that's been on my mind for quite some time now. It's not directly related to the Clever Little Clock, memory foil, or cream electret, but is instead related to the reason the thread came into existence.
Oh that's really relevant. Just when I thought we were getting TOO relevant here...

Here's my theory: both HiFiSoundGuy and GoodSound are the same person, and that person came here for the express purpose of marketing (yep, there's that word again) these products.
Here's my theory. You and Sluggo share a single brain between the two of you, and alternate using it every Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Apparently, today is Sluggo's turn.

Wow. Right?
Wow indeed. Truly, I am shocked. I've never heard of anyone tagging conspiracy theories on a Belter in an audio forum before, and dispensing the notion that they must be marketing shills. I have to say, I'm in awe of how much of an original thinker you are. Did you come up with all this by yourself, or did you and Sluggo there work out the details? Would you mind if I just look at your brain for a few minutes, to see what I'm missing?

Let's dig a bit deeper.
...or how about we don't and say we did?

HiFiSoundGuy arrived in the saloon on March 2, 2006. His very first post suggested that he'd placed an order for an RR2150. His second post suggested replacing capacitors in the Model 990 with Sonicaps. His third post was the start of this thread. At the time, the RR2150 was backordered several months, so he could freely stick to the "ordered a 2150" story for some time without having to worry about being asked to make specific comments about the product.
How did he know it was back ordered? Okay new theory. The owner of the website is HifiSoundGuy. Because he knew the Sonicaps were on back order. Now. You wanna talk about the third gunman on the grassy knoll? I say it was Ronald McDonald. I have some insider info that says Kennedy was frequenting Burger King. A LOT. And who was Burger King's biggest competitor? That's right, The Golden Arch guys. Ronald must have figured that Jack was cutting a deal with the beef producers to ship their best quality products to BK, while BK was in with the.... (zzzzzzzzz)

[LOTS of conspiratorial crap about gorrilas and comic books and penny arcades and formulas and Polk speakers and accents and blog sites and lack of hyphenation snipped out. Trust me folks, LOTS]

Delius has come to this forum mainly because he has a
Yo, 4-eyes, I'm over here.... Who you talkin' to? The room's empty?

ready-made bla bla bla audience with which to disagree, but his excuse was to ride to the defense of two innocent, caring individuals who had bla bla bla bla separately offered some suggestions that could help us improve the sound and picture quality of our systems. But if those bla bla bla bla innocent, caring individuals are a single bla bla bla person who came here only to try to drum up sales for a company other than the one that hosts this forum and did so by bla bla bla bla himself, then how much defense do they (does he) actually need?
You're moving in predictable circles again, R2D2. You must not realize just how sheep-like you really are. I've had the same sort of stupid conspiracy nut-retards spend 600 lines like you just did, attempting to "analyze and deconstruct" the reason for my existence, as though I didn't have the same right as any other audio enthusiast to advocate good audio products, simply because some of the audio products I use and stand behind happens to be part of the alternative audio products niche. Now those idiots at one point or another, claimed I was separately Peter Belt, his wife, the company's newsletter editor, a shill for the company, and about 25 other people, who may or may not be affiliated with the company. Some of the even stupider speculators, chose more than one option. No one ever told them that if two men say they're Jesus, one of them must be wrong. And make no mistake my dear Gonk, you are indeed, WRONG. I've noticed at least 65 "wrongs" that you've been, in your posts so far.

First off, you're trying to prove a negative, can't be done. You guys can speculate til your blue in the face, and your speculation always ends up bearing the same value. Which is something worth just under dogsh*t. The very reason I showed up is -because- of all the dogsh*t speculation I read on the PWB and MD products. This is ALL you people have ever done. And it seems to be all you ever do here. You ever heard of educating yourselves, for pete's sake? If you stop listening to the drone of your own verbal diarrhea bouncing around in your head 24/7, you might actually learn something new in life. That's what this thread is NOW about, now that I've made an entrance. Learning something NEW, that isn't the same old dogsh*t regurgitated.

You got only -one- thing right in that stupid conspiracy rant of yours. Those two guys (or one guy, "possibly"), mostly just regurgitated the advice to try the products. Ask me questions about them and I'll do more than that. But if you don't want to know anything about these products, then don't f**ing pretend you have an opinion on them. All you have is meaningless speculation, which I repeat, is worth dogsh*t. If you think *I'm* arrogant, than you should stand in my shoes and take a hard look at yourselves. An entire group of ignorant chest-beating dogmatists all insisting that they're right, on the basis of mere speculation, and not a spec of hard evidence to be found to support your speculations. Arrogant enough to be confident enough to irresponsibly call the products fraudulent, the manufacturers charlatans, and the people who use them "shills". Had you people any sense of decency or shame, you'd be ashamed at the way you have behaved these last few months in this thread, and you'd apologize for it.

Regardless of what you "think" about HFSG or the products, there's a difference between "think" and "know". You've already proven to me that you are wrong in your dismissive assessment about these products none of you dogmatists have ever tried. So chances are good that people who don't think are probably wrong in their assessment of other people. And if you want to talk about "marketing" brightlight, anyone who advocates -any- audio product on these forums can be accused of marketing. Bottom line: No one's putting a damn gun to your head and saying "Buy this product or the bunny rabbit eats it!". And from all the blind ignorant hostility I've seen here toward all alternative audio products, I sincerely doubt that anyone here is in danger of being a victim of "guerrila marketing". Your stupid half-assed theories about this terrifying consumerist cancer sweeping the net, notwithstanding. In fact, you even admitted as much yourself in another post. So you're like, arguing with two sides of your own personality! laugh

#6344 - 12/08/06 06:56 PM Re: Clever Little Clocks
delius Offline

Registered: 12/05/06
Posts: 43
Gonk wrote:

Over the span of two days back in March, the CLC went from being a time travel device (as noted in Jason J's post above) to an orgone energy device, complete with this handy link. My post speaks as much to the notion of the clock as a time travel device (and I still feel no need to spend any time pointing out the obvious absurdities throughout that explanation) and the notion of it being related to orgone energy. I did speak ill of orgone energy along the way, and to be honest I don't feel bad about that.
I'm not asking how you felt about that, I asked what your evidence was for dismissing the entire life's work of a very important psychologist and researcher. Which continues to this day, btw. Now instead of responding with valid evidence, you're trying to duck and cover, change the subject, and oh... wait, you gave me a link to the infamous Skeptic's Dictionary. Which to people like you stands as the Abslute TrVth to all there is in the world of science. In other words, if something has an entry in the Skeptic's Dictionary, then its obviously bogus science, right? And what does the SD use to back up your assertion that orgone is pseudo-science? The fact that in the 50's, the FDA burned Reich's books and declared it wasn't valid. That's right folks, the FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. Those brilliant, unbiased agents who showed that they couldn't possibly have had any ulterior motives for actually burning a scientists research (first time in US history, btw). Despite the fact that Reich's work had nothing to do with either FOOD or DRUG.

Now, aren't YOU claiming that its -you- who is supposed to be the one who isn't dumb, naive and gullible here, between the two of us? I mean after all, you're an independent thinker, right? You don't just believe anything anyone hands you, right? And I'm a gullible audiophile who for 20 years has placeboed himself into thinking that all of Belt's products have an audible effect, right? But yet you think a one page entry in the Skeptics Dictionary citing a 1950's scandal with the FDA proves Reich, who studied under Freud no less, was a lifelong madman? Despite studies that showed otherwise? Despite the fact that the Chinese have studied similar phenomenon for thousands of years? Despite the fact that his work is contuing to be researched and utilized? And you're supposed to be the "smart one" in this group, right? The one all the other little sheep look up to for authorative knowledge on a given subject, because you've done all the research for the sheepies, correct?

What's interesting to me is that Ritz was referring to a post I found in another forum once again describing the CLC as a time travel device. Now, I could obviously be in error somehow
What, you in error? How can that be possible? All the sheep look up to you to be right, as the authoritative leader on audio knowledge here. Because if you're wrong, then by their alignment with you, so are all the rest of the Outlaws here....

, but you've been defending the CLC as a Belt device - so why is it being marketed also as a time travel device? And why does that not reasonably bring into question the validity of the product in question?
First of all, who said it was a "time travel device"? Please show me where it is being marketed as such. Second of all, what do you mean by that? Does it mean I can go back in time and order a milk shake with my burger, instead of a soda? And what's all this about "orgone energy" anyway? Where does the manufacturer claim it runs on orgone energy? I thought it uses a lithium battery!

I'm genuinely asking, because I genuinely do not know how the CLC works. I went on their site to find out, but there is no white paper on that product. And don't say I've been "defending the CLC", I never did that. I simply said I have reason to believe it works very similarly to a Belt device, since it is based on that device. Whether Kaitt did modifications to Belt's design to somehow make it work differently (with his unusual GSIC chips, I wouldn't put it past him), I don't know.

The difference between me and your typical dumb, mindless, arrogant audiophile sheep, is that I don't question the validity of something I don't even begin to understand. Nor do I pretend to understand something I don't begin to understand. Which is another way of saying, you can't question the validity of the CLC if you don't understand how it works.

After all, if someone can't decide which fringe science (and oh I bet you're not going to care for that word choice)
Actually, I can live with that. It doesn't imply the science is bogus, but so long as you can live with quantum theory being "fringe science" (which is the hypotheses for some products), I can live with "fringe science" to describe the basis of alternative audio products.

causes their product to operate, that would appear to me to undermine their credibility, thus making Ritz's comment reasonable rather than vile.
Again, who is that "someone" who can't decide which "fringe science" the CLC operates on? HifisoundGuy? That guy could be a madman, for all I know. So could you, btw. All I know is I didn't see Wilhelm Reich mentioned anywhere on Machina Dynamica's site. So I regard anything that isn't officially on there to be speculative BS. Yes, including purported phone convos with the designer. Particularly since its obvious there are a lot of guys out there like you and Ritz who want to see this guy crumble, simply because you have an agenda against whatever you consider "snake oil merchants".

Now, I'm going to take the opportunity here to repeat that vile comment from your friend Ritz, whom you see fit to defend here, since you didn't want to:

Ritz says:

There is so much opportunity in this world that it just amazes me when people go FAR out of their way to rip people off when it would actually be easier to just earn an honest living. A sad commentary on human nature, I suppose...
Ritz is clearly stating here that Kaitt is a rip off artist, who is defrauding people. If I was Geoff, I would take this ignorant bastard to court, el pronto. Ritz doesn't offer a SINGLE shred of evidence to support his libelous accusations. Just like you don't ever offer any evidence for yours. And all you've been able to offer in his defense, is that HifiSoundGuy said that one of Machina Dynamica's products, the CLC clock, works on both time travel and orgone energy. Which could just be HFSG's opinion. But even if it isn't, you haven't explained to me how it can't operate on both. You've just assumed that there can't be more than one scientific attribute, attributed to a device, and if there is, then it can be considered invalid hypothesis. Belt's hypotheses incorporate aspects from both the quantum domain and biology, which is about as different as orgone energy and time travel. So if you knew even the first thing about science, you'd realize what a dumb argument you're making here, in defense of your bud Ritz. In making this really-not-very-well-thought-out argument, you've just undermined your credibility further, and made your friend Ritz's comments seem even more vile.

Yep, I'm cheeky. I said that the general opinion here (which you seem to have recognized some time ago and already expect to remain the same) is that Belt devices are a sham.
Which is a pattern repeated elsewhere, so you sheep do spread out in great numbers, to be sure. The real "sham" however, as I see it, is the "other part of that repeating pattern you have locked yourselves into". By that, I mean that those other flocks of mindless sheep that have echoed every last one of your sentiments on this forum, also have this in common with you people: they too have no qualms about shoving their fat feet in their mouth by condemning products they've never tried. You people talk about "science" like as if you know something about it. But to "real" scientists, what you are doing by dismissing phenomena you know nothing about and have never experimented with is not in the least bit "scientific". The irony is, if all scientists were as stupid as the people we've seen in this thread, science would never progress.

I'll take a look at your MP3 files, but I think you and I are actually in agreement on at least one thing: the general opinion of members of this forum is and is likely to remain unswayed by Belt devices.
I trust you mean by the "existence of the devices". Because so far, not a single person has tried any of them! You can't really claim to be "unswayed" by an audio device you've never even tested. At best, you can only claim to be "unswayed" by its theory. But as we've also seen, none of you know dick all about the theory either! And I will repeat that it doesn't matter to me, if people do or don't try the products. I'm simply here to make a statement about the members of this forum, to emphasize certain facts. (Consider it a social experiment...). Which are as follows:

* I want it on the record that no one here has tried any of the products you have all bashed, ridiculed, mocked and condemned.

* Not one of the armchair scientists here has even tried the free techniques I gave, which allow them to at least experiment with Beltist ideas (albeit in less effective ways than the commercial products). However, no one minds spending 60 times longer, typing out BS talking about the validity of the theories behind ideas that are readily verifiable, empirically.

* No one here has shown a single solitary factual basis for making libelous statements against Machina Dynamica and PWB, and for calling their products fraudulent.

* No one has apologized for such statements. The closest is Gonk who tried to make excuses for the libel of others (which I have defeated in debate).

* No one here has taken the time, or perhaps has the ability, to read and understand the theories behind the products they have bashed. (Judging by how many have the ability to extend their attention span long enough to even read my posts, it's plain to see why they have not read the materials on the manufacturer's sites. Sluggo gets a pass because he has officially admitted to being a retard).

Basically, what it looks like to me and my colleagues is, this is the audio hobbyist equivalent of the Trailer Park Boys movie. Its like the Trailer Trash Boys all got together to form an audio club, and start discussing their feelings and opinions about audio. Needless to say, facts only come along accidentally.....

#6345 - 12/08/06 06:58 PM Re: Clever Little Clocks
delius Offline

Registered: 12/05/06
Posts: 43
Jason J wrote:

You're absolutely right. They are trying to sell me something. But what they aren't doing is posting about it on another manufacturer's forum.
Come again? You wanna clarify that? Are you trying to tell me that no one on these forums is allowed to talk about audio products not made by the owners of this forum? And that they don't? Which sounds absolutely ludicrous to me since I'm assuming this is a public forum, but I don't see how else you mean that to be interpreted.

Also, they can tell me why they enjoy the product and I'll trust their opinion since they are not using psuedo-science to call me an idiot for not believing their product works.
Well, you just gave me another example of you being an idiot, didn't you. Because I made it clear what my remarks were about. I never called anyone an idiot for not believing these products work. I called people idiots for thinking and claiming they know that these products don't work, when they have never tried them, and don't know the first thing about them. And those of you who go so far as to claim the products are fraudulent and so are the manufacturers, are libelous idiots who are courting a lawsuit. I can tell you why I enjoy the product, but that doesn't mean you'll believe me. Like all such idiots, you're predisposed to believe what you know, rather than learn about that which you don't. As for your crack about "pseudo science", you can't tell the difference between science and pseudo-science (but then, we're going back to you being an idiot again, aren't we? Which is almost redundant at this point, given the quality of all your replies). If you could, you'd be able to fill your next post with an explanation that successfully refutes the theories of Geoff Kaitt and Peter Belt, and supports your contention of "pseudo science".

But are you going to do that? Lets see if you will. We obviously know you can't, so I'm betting the farm that you won't and can't. But nevertheless, you picked up the term "pseudo-science" somewhere and now you glibly and happily apply it to everything who's scientific basis is beyond your grasp to comprehend. (Oh, are you saying I'm wrong here? Great, then tell me how the products work! [question ignored by the brilliant debater, Jason J].... Yeah, didn't think you could do that either.)

Like all non-thinkers, you go no further than to believe whatever isn't already established in peer-reviewed articles, isn't reality. And certainly doesn't merit taking 5 minutes to test for yourself, at a cost of nothing. And you reveal in that philosophy, that you don't know the first damn thing about sience. You're not even a pseudo-scientist, and I wouldn't qualify you to be up to the standards of an armchair-scientist. But prove me wrong by posting that scientific refutation you've been dying to share with the group. I'm always ready to learn something new...

#6346 - 12/08/06 07:00 PM Re: Clever Little Clocks
delius Offline

Registered: 12/05/06
Posts: 43
bestbang4thebuck wrote:

While I do scan the lengthy posts of delious, I find more interest in most of the responses of the forum members with experience and reasoning still accepting of the derided Newtonian Physics (NP).
Brilliant observation. Now just exactly who here is deriding Newtonian physics? Or is it too confusing for you to believe that there could be more than one law of physics that applies to our reality?

By the way I interpret what delious writes, the theories do not seem to be based on true Quantum Mechanics (QM) or Quantum Physics (QP) as accepted by (also derided) "mainstream science' (I've read in those areas), but strays more into areas that might be more accurately labeled Metaphysics (MP).
Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics are studies of the same phenomenon, so its not an either/or equasion. The science behind QM is more concrete and easy to establish than even Newtonian physics and has been accepted by the physics community, so I don't see where you get the idea that it is or should be derided by the scientific community. Perhaps you meant the "scientific commnunity" on this audio forum?

At any rate, it is NOT accurate to label Beltism under the Metaphysics tag (and trust me, you're not the first...), whether you are using the classical meaning of metaphysics, or the more popular one. In no way shape or form did I ever say it was, so your interpretations of my words are coming from your own volatile imagination, and not to be relied upon as factual. Beltist phenomenon is in theory, as I interpret it, very much grounded in physical reality; more specifically, the nature of objects around us and the nature of our brain (wrt biological theory).

When a violin string is excited into resonance, there's a whole lot of NP going on. When the resulting acoustic energy radiates to an interpretive device that creates a record of the vibrations received, there's a whole lot of NP going on. When electrical energy directly or indirectly causes an admittedly imperfect recreation of the original acoustic energy, there's a whole lot of NP going on. When my ears interpret either the original or the re-created acoustic energy, there's a whole lot of NP going on.
True, and there's also a whole lot of OTHER things going on, too, which have nothing to do with NP, and more to do with QP (as I interpret it). I'm referring to the fact that there is far more processing by the brain on what your ears interpret than you realize, which has nothing to do with the acoustical pressure waves. In fact, there are all KINDS of factors that affect our "interpretation" of sound, particularly music, that go beyond the oversimplified process you just described. If there weren't, everyone would have exactly the same experience listening to exactly the same system. Tests reveal that not to be the case. What the Belt products purport to do, is change the way we interpret our environment, which affects the way we interpret sound.

By the way, there are measurement instruments that will allow an analysis of acoustic events more accurately than our psycho-acoustic, bio-electrical interpretive systems can.
You seem to have a habit of making statements that already established and not under argument, so I have a hard time understand what point you're trying to make here. For example, I can just as easily point out that there are a myriad of things that human ears can detect not detectable by measurment instruments. But where does that get us?

Those that can hear or affect music wholly or partly outside of NP are listening to
something that Outlaw gear is not designed to help reproduce.
What, pray tell, is "Outlaw gear"? Is it meant to reproduce audio or video? Then it can help to reproduce phenomenon that falls outside of NP. And all of those who can hear it or see its video display can hear or affect this phenomenon. I've even created a website to allow people to do that. That way, they don't have to blindly listen to and believe people who would talk about phenomenon they know nothing about and have no experience with. Unlike you, I'm not pretending to be an expert on "Outlaw gear", to where I'm on a forum telling the world whether its valid or not.

Now if I was like you, and all others in this thread, then I'd be trashing "Outlaw Gear" (even though I've never tried it in my life or even seen what it looks like). I'd be telling people not to buy it, and I'd be calling Outlaw a criminal and a fraud and a scammer and a rip-off artist, who makes a sad statement on our precious society by selling "Outlaw Gear" (which I don't know anything about, remember). I'd be basing all of my "opinions" (if we can call it that) on sh*t that I pull out of my ever-lovin' arse. That's what I'd be doing if I was like the rest of the members here on this Outlaw Gear forum. Fortunately for you and Outlaw, I'm not. I'm a reasonable, honest and civil person who does not make stupid, groundless libelous claims against audio manufacturers and call members "scammers" and "shills" without any evidence of such, like I've seen the rest of you do here.

If I were deciding where to spend $500, I'd install acoustic treatments in my current room, not clocks, foils or creams.
Well that's a SHOCKER. Somehow, I figured you for a "foil and cream guy". Again, I don't understand your need to make pointless and obvious statements. What's your point, why are you taking our time? To say "Newtonian Physics Rocks!"? Because you're simply repeating the same thing everyone else is. What you're not telling us, is why that you don't think that $500 would be better invested in clocks, creams and foils. Because I think it would be. Reason being, you can shuffle speakers around and tack egg crates to all your walls and that still would resolve the NON-Newtonian physics problems that are at the core of preventing you from hearing all that your present system is capable of. If you wont' even acknowledge those problems by researching it, how do you KNOW that your $500 is more wisely invested in that which you already know? You can not assure us that your decision is the wisest, since you're not even aware of the other physics problems that block our paths to nirvana.

If I where to spend $1000's beyond that, I'd remove the passive crossovers from some or all of my loudspeakers and go with custom active crossovers ahead of the amplification.
Brilliant. Introduce more toys to pollute the signal! Geez, I believe even Linn abandoned that idea! Now under that scenario, you have the same Beltist problems with your audio, but you've increased the NP ones. It never ceases to amaze me how the greatest influence on our audio systems, and the greatest impairment to acheiving TRUE improvements to our sound, is our belief systems.

That's why I think non-audiophiles know more about good sound than audiophiles. Because they haven't yet concluded they know everything.

I'd have to run out of a whole lot of known, verifiable electronic and NP based improvements before I would venture into any so-called "quantum' or metaphysical treatments.
Funny! You'd run out of money before that happens! You really don't get it, but I find that quaint (in a kind of "cutesy ignorant baby" sort of way), and I don't blame you. Because to me, you're an "audio baby". Like most rigid thinkers in this 'business', you go with what doesn't frighten you, with what you know. When you get to where I am in audio, you realize that you could spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on your so-called "verifiable electronic and NP based improvements", and still never attain the kinds of improvements possibly via Beltist means. Because you've never addressed the Beltist problems that we all have to live with. You never realize how unnatural your "NP sound" is, until you apply Belt treatments, and hear what you've been living with all your life. Then, when you have enough knowledge of "the Belt sound", "NP systems" tend to sound "harsh and unnatural" to you. No matter if you have a zillion active xovers in the system, with octawiring in place and 1300 power conditioners, all daisy chained back to the hydro plant. And btw, I used to have an active system way back in the 80's, monoblocks, and other such gadgetry.... I've since "downgraded" to a single int. amp. Without a balance control....

(The name's not 'dubiousbang4thebuck.')
Neither is mine "Delious"...

#6347 - 12/08/06 07:02 PM Re: Clever Little Clocks
GoodSound Offline

Registered: 11/18/06
Posts: 18
You all are really missing out! These CLC's just keep getting better! eek I dont know if freezing the memory foil and green and blue cream had something to do with this or not but this is amazing! eek No, I'm not connected with this company in any way!! :rolleyes: Scott should contact Geoff and May Belt and let you all find out just how good these clocks are (after these tweaks) are done to them!! eek eek eek cool

#6348 - 12/08/06 07:58 PM Re: Clever Little Clocks
delius Offline

Registered: 12/05/06
Posts: 43
Jason J wrote:

What's your take on the above quote? Is the CLC a time travel device? You seem to have no shortage of time to type so please explain to me how the CLC works as a time travel device.
Simple. When you set it backwards to a certain time... say for example, its 1:00pm (Geneva) time on Sat., right now, and I set it to 7:30am, I get to watch all the Saturday cartoons that I missed because I slept in. Oh, how does this improve your sound? Well that's simple too. You know how everything is better the first time you experience it? Like your first kiss, or your first lay.... Okay, I realize you probalby haven't been there yet, but try to imagine something you have done for the first time that you enjoyed. Well with this Clever Clock, you can hear music like the first time you heard it. And so it shall be written, and so it shall be done.

I also would appreciate if you would desist in calling other members of this forum names they do not deserve.
Are you talkin' to me? You must be confusing me with someone else. I've never called anyone here any names they didn't deserve. If you feel I have, please point out where I have, and I promise I will look at your evidence.

True, they did not support HFSG and Goodsound in their posts but if you reread this thread from the beginning, you will notice that they did not ever try to tell HFSG or Goodsound that they should get rid of the tweaks they had tried. Most jokes that you keep referencing are actually responses to input from other forum members and in most cases were added as a jest and nothing more.
And if you look around, perhaps you will notice that I never said anyone here asked HFSG or Goodsound to get rid of their tweaks. Neither did anyone else. Are you familiar with the concept of "relevance" at all? Please familiarize yourself with it, and have something relevant to say, next time. What I did take issue with here, as I have already mentioned about 65,000 times now (an issue which none of you has yet directly and properly addressed), is the fact that you people relentlessly attacked HFSG and Goodsound with accusations of "fraud", "scamming" and "shilling". And by the way, mocking other members here "amongst yourselves", instead of mocking them directly, is probably more insulting.

Are you at all familiar with the concept of "libel", Jason? Does the "J" stand for "Jr." by any chance? I ask because you seem to be even more oblivious than the rest of the gang to basic common concepts in life, and I find myself needing to talk to you like you're a six year old. Once you become familiar with the concept of "libel", tell me how you justify you and/or your gunslinging comrades here making unfounded (and false I might add) accusations of "fraud" and "scamming" toward PWB and MD, as well as toward those 2 mentioned members. Remember that we're talking about several hundred messages where those products and their manufacturers were derided and called "rip off artists", but yet none of the members who were decrying those products tried any of them, nor do they even know much about the products or manufacturers.

Now, are you familiar with the concept of "bigotry"? I truly hope I'm not causing any major permanent damage to your brain here or anything, by making you think about concepts you don't normally do. "Bigotry" is a form of intolerance. "Intolerance" is what we have seen here in this thread, going on for months on end. Not familiar much with that concept either? Well, "racism" is "intolerance". So is sexism, or ageism or sizeism, etc. What we are basically seeing here, in analogous terms, is a bunch of white backwoods redneck "good ol' boys", calling 2 black guys "porch monkeys" (in so many words), and ganging up on them in order to kick them out of town.

The rednecks may not be attacking them with sticks and clubs or fists, but they are attacking them with hostile mockery, ridicule, scorn, contempt, derision, and defamation of character. The rednecks excuse their behaviour by saying "they're just havin' fun", and "jokin' around", because they haven't actually physically beat the two black guys with sticks. They've only beat them with ridicule and libelous accusations. Either way, in both cases, what we are talking about is: "bigotry", or intolerance towards those who hold different views than the majority, or have a different color of skin, or religion.

The most common thing that all stupid ugly racists or bigots have, is an intolerance of ideas that differ from their common thinking. Which means they won't accept any such thing as "evidence" or contrary opinions that their views are wrong, and they most certainly will not go out of their way to prove to themselves that their views are wrong (such as trying the controversial products or techniques mentioned here).

I await your response to my above question but if you continue to insult the intelligence of the other people on this forum, then you will nullify any useful information you may be providing.
I really don't see how one can insult someone's intelligence, if they haven't shown any signs of it to me....

Teach us why these products work, don't insult us into why we should believe that they work.
I've already given you the means to do that. Teach yourself:


I'm gonna make another prediction, because I have a time travel clock: If you can't hear the Belt phenomenon for yourself, none of you will ever believe it. You're not prepared to. You're too comfortable knowing what you know and too insecure to consider that you don't know it all. Your instinct is to mock and ridicule that which you do not understand, and to stuff it into "easily understandable" boxes, like "new age" or "placebo" or "Scientology" or "orgone energy" or whatever else you don't understand or don't believe in.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe....". And I've heard the effects of those things. And me telling you what I know, what I have done, what I have heard or what I have learned in audio/video, is only going to provoke predictably stupid reactions of laughter and mockery. I know, I've seen all of you everywhere countless times before. And you all look like sheep to me, who only know how to play "follow the leader", instead of thinking for themselves. Sometimes however.... something gives way and one or two of the sheep break away from the flock, and catches a glimpse of what I have known for twenty years.... and then they become "a believer", and change their tune....

I have already given you all the tools necessary to do that, or they are widely available. And it only costs you your time. Whether you do or not, despite what Sluggo keeps trying to drum into your heads with his dumb groundless paranoid conspiracy theories about me, does not affect me or my finances one way or the other.

#6349 - 12/08/06 08:00 PM Re: Clever Little Clocks
Jason J Offline

Registered: 09/02/02
Posts: 615
Loc: Northern Garden State

Since you cannot stop calling people names by continually misinterpreting their comments, I have no further fuel for your fire. Enjoy your status as the most verbose IM I have ever come across.

Furthermore, do not call me an idiot by not responding to your posts. You choose to knock down anything anybody has posted so it is useless to have any kind of debate with you.

Oh, by the way, this forum is hosted by a company called Outlaw, hence the term "Outlaw Gear." You get a gold star for not figuring that one out.

#6350 - 12/08/06 08:36 PM Re: Clever Little Clocks
sluggo Offline

Registered: 04/19/05
Posts: 361
Loc: Plano, TX
More posts, with no answers. You're a frightened little fool, a point which will surely be sustained by your next post.

It's okay, we understand, you're a fraud. Have fun screaming in the mirror.

#6351 - 12/08/06 09:13 PM Re: Clever Little Clocks
delius Offline

Registered: 12/05/06
Posts: 43
Originally posted by GoodSound:
You all are really missing out! These CLC's just keep getting better! eek I dont know if freezing the memory foil and green and blue cream had something to do with this or not but this is amazing! eek No, I'm not connected with this company in any way!! :rolleyes: Scott should contact Geoff and May Belt and let you all find out just how good these clocks are (after these tweaks) are done to them!! eek eek eek cool
Oh, look who joined the quantum BBQ. Ok, I'll admit something. I figured you were "HifiSoundGuy" long before I started posting. You might as well just combine it to "HifiGoodSoundGuy" for all the differences in your writing style. Now after reading this, I'm not convinced that you've ever been near a "CLC". It seems you haven't added enough "emoticons" to truly convince me that you are sincere. So perhaps a new conspiracy theory is in order....

You're a "Belt-basher" troll working on the inside.. (posing as a Belter/CLC owner)... Perhaps the reason you are "rolling your eyes" after you say you're not connected with the company, is to make people believe you are? So maybe you're this "Scott" guy you keep mentioning? Or maybe you're ..... "Sluggo"? Whoever you are, I think you're having us all for a larff. As you were.

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