I'd also second the psyprof1's recommendation of the Magnepan HT system. Especially since you stated 40% music listening. You'll probably want either that 7200 or 7700 amp to power them, but if you haven't heard Magnepans, you owe it to yourself to give them a listen. Properly driven, they leave box speakers in the dust. And you can take that to the O.K. corral.

Of course you'll still need the sub.

Eclectic Gear:
Outlaw 990 preamp/processor
NEC XG110LC CRT projector
Hafler SE240 pwr amp(2)
Hafler DH220 pwr amp(2)
Magnepan 1.6QR mains
Snell Acoustics EII surrounds
Magnepan SMGc rear surrounds
Velodyne CT150 sub
Panamax 5510 ACRegenerator