If you're going for an all in-wall system, then this is the only way to go for the subwoofer!
http://ibsubwoofers.proboards51.com/index.cgi It's called an infinite baffle subwoofer and from what I've read, they rock. Of course, you need to be handy with power tools, or know someone who is.
Eclectic Gear:
Outlaw 990 preamp/processor
NEC XG110LC CRT projector
Hafler SE240 pwr amp(2)
Hafler DH220 pwr amp(2)
Magnepan 1.6QR mains
Snell Acoustics EII surrounds
Magnepan SMGc rear surrounds
Velodyne CT150 sub
Panamax 5510 ACRegenerator