I had the 970 at the same time the 2500 and the 990 were in my HT as well. The 970 sounded better IMO than the 2500 with music, but not movies. I did LOVE the way they set the crossover up on the 970/1070 though (other manufacturers should definately take note here). If you want to take it to the next level with 2-channel music, you'll have to give the 990 a try. The 990 does very well with music. I also perfered the appearance of the 970 over the least when looking at the front of the unit...the back was another story.
Although I feel the AVM30 is definately better than the 990 for both music and movies, I can't argue that the 990 is the better bang for the buck. Just like I'm sure if I heard Meridian or the Lexicon's flagship processors they would best the Anthem, but again, at several times the price.
If it wasn't for these boards and my local hi-fi shops, I probably would have stopped with the Yammy a long time ago. I wouldn't have known there was anything better. Dang all of you!
Enjoy your rig!