i wonder if any of the review mags would be interested in doing an artical doing a side by side comparison with a few different pre/pros at different price ranges to see if there is a difference. Outlaw claims to cut the middle man which = savings for us. (or do they mean profit for them?). Emotiva is the same thing.

When compared to yamaha, i thing that its normal that there is a difference as a yamaha system is less than half the price.

Gonk, I agree that there is no such thing as a free lunch. however there is also something else that you should take into consideration, and that is why buy outlaw. we want the best bank for our buck. some people give you 80% for our money and others give you 30%. If you are not an EE and particuly into this hobbie, you will never know. I'm into manufacturing and here is something for you to think about. The people who makes the raw materials make their cut, the agents who sell the raw materials make theirs, the manufacturer makes his cut, the agent that sells the finished good makes his cut, and the retail store makes his cut. please don't forget customes, and FREIGHT from each location to another.

Given that everything else is constant(reference), do you get high fidelity with the outlaw products? You do not get that with with Yamaha. I am taking about that feeling that you get when you are listening, as if you are in the center of a movie or as if you favorate band is playing infront of you, not speakers pushing sound. Your quality speakers should disapear. There are not alot of products out there that provide that. Do Outlaw products offer that? (990 & or 7500)