Yes, I have to go back and test that now once I get the new firmware loaded, and my system back up and running. In practice, smalls with the proper crossover should work best; however we are dealing with a programmed digital crossover here, not analog circuitry. In the digital world, things are not black and white because we have signal processing going on which ultimately results in loss somewhere. Some of this is due to the selection of hardware, the methodology of adc and dac processing, and of course the programmers.

I seem to remember that setting the 990 to 60 actually started a long slope crossover starting at around 100 or so and moving down to 60. It was not a steep slope that I saw when EQing the signal.

Once I'm back up and running I'll go through the whole EQ process again with the new firmware to see if I come up with the same results. I can only say at this time that with the fronts set to small, a lot of the bass seemed to get lost, and it was NOT going to the sub from what I could see. It may simply have been a programming bug in the mode that I was in.