I want to use this for vhs (prologic) and for music, where there is no lfe track. I haven't tried it yet, but my mains are polks (set to large) which drop off big time at around 50hz. I am assuming that with the fix, if I take anything below 60 on the mains, and then send it to my SMS-1 for further trimming, that I should be able to EQ the bass in nicely.

I tried this initially with test signals coming in through the 7.1 input, and was able to EQ it because the SMA-1 trim is a dropoff in the \ direction while the 990 drops off in the / direction. By using the EQ in the SMS1 I was able to get the two to cross at about the 75% point and then attenuate the area above that spot. I am assuming I will be able to do the same with prologic signals now that this issue has been fixed.

I don't like the Polks set to small, even though I am sure that's probably how they should be set. The sound is much fuller when I allow the full range. Letting the sub be L/R + SUB should let me "tune" in the lower bass better for the analog inputs (I hope).