I think that is very nice but have no qualms about how long it has taken.
Too many times companies are pressured to issues upgrades and do so without thourough testing resulting in more bugs than when a person started. I have had that experience with one company in particular.
Even though I have alot of faith in Outlaw I will not be one of the first to upgrade my 990. I'll let a few of you guys test it out first.

Outlaw 990/7700
SVS 20-39 PC +
SVS MTS-01 towers, MCS-01 center, MBS-01 surrounds
Behringer A500
Samsung PN58A650, DirecTV HR-20 700
Sony CDP-545, Phillips CDR 765
Oppo BDP-93, Panasonic DMR E515
Technics SL-DL5
Squeezebox 3
Remote Harmony One