Ok, Ive cooled down a bit. Scott was nice enough to reply to my customer service ticket from the site this eve, (amazing I might add, after hours an all) Said he could overnight me a new unit with a return ticket included for my current unit. I have to give a big thumbs up for Outlaw customer service on this one. Never have I gotten a response so quickly on a service issue, I had a bad experience once with a Sony Cineza projector and lets just say it did not go so well. I was quite taken aback when my unit started acting up. I have lurked theses forums now for many months before making this purchase and really have read no negative feedback on the 990, just technical set-up issues, of which being an enthusiast I can usually alleviate myself, thats why I decided to go for one in the first place. And like I said in the first post, there really was no comparison to the Rotel, this thing literally blew it out of the water (while it was operating) and I was completely stoked to have it. So I guess we'll have to wait and see to get a true objective opinion from me. eek