Isn't anyone aware that the HD/Blu-Ray war is over before a shot was even made? Disc formats are dying. By the time the prices come down for an affordable HD player, HD movies will be downloaded from the internet.

This is inevitable. Why buy another player that's going to be obsolete in two years?

Watch Apple. They are on the Blu-Ray board as well as on Disney's board. The movie studios are putting in iPod formatted movies on the new Blu-Ray disks. It's just a matter of time before full resolution movies will be available along with 7.1 sound and a HD capable iPod.
Zone 1: Outlaw 990, Outlaw 7700, Panasonic Plasma, Apple TV, 24" Intel iMac, ReVox A77, Mission 77 Series, Mirage LF-150
Zone 2: McIntosh MA1650, Dual 1219, Smaller Advent Speakers
Zone 3: Victor V, Victor Exhibition Soundbox