Couple points to add to Gonks post:

1) As a previous Parasound owner, if you are not the original owner, you will pay cash for repairs. I have first hand experience (twice) with the same processor. I talked to the tech guys in detail and only one guy took all of my calls over the 4 calls I made.

2) If you buy used brand X you could easily be paying hundereds of $ for your required repairs.

3) Outlaw is not a new start up company anymore!

4) If you compare a $1099 outlaw processor vs a $3000 new processor from Parasound, or Anthem, based only on your concerns of warranty life, you are essentially paying $1900 more for this insurance policy. I realy doubt the risk is that high.

5) Whatever you buy now is going to be "outdated" in a year or two as HD-DVD (Movie & Audio) gains ground. I wouldn't worry past a five year life as I doubt the unit will still be in your possession.