I smile and salute braidkid. Certainly in any forum one will find differing opinions or dickering about the details, but you get my vote for a ‘practical, within reason, well thought out’ approach. Many of us will now be wishing for dedicated listening spaces and/or significant others with engineering degrees that will understand and allow a multi-purpose space to be ‘arranged and decorated’ with listening as a priority. Hopefully your article will remain available for others to read for quite some time.

Where else in this forum should reference to your article be made? In ‘Tips and Tricks’ there is the DIY Room Treatment topic or braidkid could start another similar topic. I’d post the reference there myself, but I think that should be left to braidkid.

My two cents: after obtaining a reasonably good system of value-for-the-dollar gear, spending some time and multiple $100's in room treatment efforts with limited electronic correction similar to braidkid and Doug917 is a wise choice before spending multiple $1,000's on esoteric cabling, ultra electronics, or dubious tweaks. One could always spend the $1,000's later if the resources are available, but the treatments would still be there and of great benefit.