Well the LMF-1's arrived today. One had the crossover knob damaged. I will call tommorow and have them send a replacement.

You know I had to have a listen so I took out the Earthquake Supernova and put one of the LMF-1 into my current system. All I can say is wow the bass is an improvement over the Earthquake supernova. I played the Lord of the Rings with the bridge scene to give it some good bass and even the wife was impressed. Both with the sound and the looks.

Now I just have to wait for the 7500 amp to arrive tommorow before the real setup can start. Two LMF-1's are going to be awe inspiring particulary with the Velodyne SMS-1.

Well DOJ you beat me to the setup of the 990! So far all I got is one working LMF-1, a pretty rack of new equipment, and a hernia! Boy do I need a drink! eek

Need to get some rest for my second hernia tommorow when I lug the 7500 up the stairs and into the rack.
